л M A G E ' S H A N D B O O K л л for LEGENDS version 4.3 л л л л Written by Jeffrey D. Hoffman л 1.0 Introduction лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Magic and the ability to control the elements (Earth, water, air, and fire) has long since been the ability of certain occupations within LEGENDS. This documentation is designed to give the player a better definition of how to use the magic system, along with the new abilities they have in LEGENDSv4.3. 1.1 Learning new spells ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл As a apprentice magic user in LEGENDS, you will find that if you type EXAMINE SPELL BOOK at the command prompt you will find that you spell book is empty, lacking in any magical knowledge - unlike previous versions. It is up to you to select the spells that you wish to learn, and slowly accumulate a custom spell book all your own. As a magic user, you can add a spell to your spell book by using the LEARN command. This command, when used, will display a list of all the available spells that you have (much like the PURCHASE command), and then you select the corresponding number of the spell you wish to learn. When you first start LEGENDS, you have the ability to LEARN one spell. For each experience level you advance thereafter, you can learn an additional spell. Simply stated, you can know as many spells (but never more than) your current experience level. For example, at level five, the most spells you can have written in your spell book is five spells. Memorize your spell book, because it is up to you to keep yourself from writing a duplicate spell inside of your spell book's pages. The only determination as to whether or not you can cast the spell is if you have enough spell points -- which, by the way, are also displayed on the screen when you LEARN. If you have enough spell points, then you can cast the spell you have learned. If you learn a spell, but do not have enough spell points to cast it, you will be unable to get rid of the spell, or cast it until you have advanced enough to earn enough spell points. 2.0 Spell listings лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл The following sections deal with giving you a brief description of the spells available to each of the magic using classes. During each description, you will see the name of the spell in CAPITOL letters, and the number of spell points required by the spell in (PARENTHASIS). If the spell is defined to do "damage per experience level," that means that the spell increases in power as the caster advances skill levels. For instance, if a 1d10 was rolled, resulting in 8, and the caster was level 10, the victim would receive 80 damage. (8 x 10) 2.1 Sorcerer spells ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл FLAMING HANDS (2) causes a small river of fire to burst from the casters hands and strike the selected target in the room. The opponent will then receive 1d6 damage for each skill level of the caster. SHOCKING GRASP (2) causes the caster's hands to become electrically charged. The bolt of electricity then jumps from the caster to the opponent, causing 1d6+1 damage per experience level of the caster. LIGHT (6) causes a magical flame to burst to life above the caster. The light will follow the caster anywhere, until its life has expired. The light will last 60 rounds. ACID ARROW (7) allows the caster to fire an enchanted arrow molded from acid. The arrow, once released, will fly directly to the target that the caster wishes and inflict 1d10+7 damage upon striking. POWERWORD PAIN (8) was derived from an ancient book of spells from the ancient who used single words to punish their enemies. This spell causes the victim to receive a searing, bolt of pain throughout their body. This causes 1d6+2 damage for each level of the caster. POWERWORD HURT (9) is another version of the Powerword Pain spell. This one, once spoken, will inflict 1d9 damage to the target, per experience level. RANDOM TELEPORTATION (11) causes the target to be randomly teleported ANYWHERE within the realms. There is no way to insure the target will be in a safe position upon arrival. FEAR (12) causes any target to suddenly become afraid of you and flee from the room. They will usually move to an adjacent room, but some become so afraid they continue fleeing for some time. MIND SPIKE (15) drains a target of 1d5+1 spell points and gives them to the caster. EXTENDED LIGHT (20) is an updated version of the original Light spell. It was derived from SlashStormBringer's Extended book of Spell early this century. This magical flame lasts 100 rounds. MIND WHIP (30) is also an extended spell taken from Slash's book of spells. The spell enables the caster to drain 1d10+2 spell points from his target, and receive the spell points added to his own. WIND OF ACID (35) summons a strong wind, laced with particals of acid, that blows in the direction of your opponents. All opponents in the room will be struck by this spell, and receive 1d5+5, per experience level of the caster, damage. LIGHTNING (36) conjures a bolt of lightning with escapes from the casters fingers and strikes an opponent with deadly accuracy. The blast will induce 1d9+2 damage, per experience level of the caster. PHANTASMAL FORCE (60) was derived from another book of spells, written by the Ancients. The spell speaks of giving "the caster the ability to ward off enemies by invoking their singlemost fear. The fear materializes before them, and they will usually scream and flee from the sight. FIREBALL (65) conjures a great ball of fire which erupts from the air above the caster and rolls directly into the target picked by the caster. The victim will then be enfulfed in fire, receiving 6d6+6 damage. LIGHTNING BALL (75) conjures a great ball of lightning which erupts from the air above the caster and soars directly into the target picked by the caster. The victim will them be struck by numberous bolts of lightning, receiving 5d7+7 damage. ELECTROCUTE (80) causes the earth to belch a bolt of electricity below the target. The electricity then climbs upward, taking over the whole body of the target, causing 2d6 damage, per experience level of the caster. WIND OF FLAMES (100) causes a wall of flames to erupt before the caster, and then a magical wind disperses the flames into the faces of your opponents. All opponents in the way of the wind will receive 5d10+20 damage. LIFE STEAL (100) gives the ability to steal hit points from the target to the caster. Upon casting this spell, the caster will drain 2d3+8 hit points, per experience level, from the victim. RAIN OF FIRE (123) summons a storm cloud of unseen size to focus in the top of the room. Thunder erupts and then the clouds open up with an unyielding rain of fire droplets which strike only the opponents in the room. They receive 1d5+10 damage, per experience level of the caster. CHAIN LIGHTNING (155) causes a bolt of lightning to jump from the caster into the nearest opponent. The bolt will then continue to jump from victim to victim inflicting 1d9+2 damage, per experience level of the caster. GAZE OF DESTRUCTION (180) grants the caster the ability to gaze at the opponents in the room and give tremendous killing power to that sight. Anywhere (anyone) the caster gazes will be engulfed in a destructive force that inflicts 5d20+80 damage., FLAME STRIKE (220) causes a field of fire to erupt from the fingers of the caster and to break through from the earth, engulfing the opponents in a tower of flames. The flames will continue to burn the opponents, until they have received 1d100+100 damage. POWERWORD KILL (350) is probably the most powerful spell ever taken from the Ancient's spell listing. It states: "Once a sorcerer gains this spell, they have the power to strike anyone dead. There is no where to hide from this spell. There is no way to run. The spell does no damage -- it simply kills the opponent." 2.2 Cleric spells ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл CURE LIGHT WOUNDS (2) grants the caster the ability to heal any target for 1d6 hit points, per experience level of the caster. CAUSE LIGHT WOUNDS (3) is the inverse of the CURE LIGHT WOUNDS spell and causes 1d6 damage, per experience level of the caster. BEACON (6) causes a magical beacon of light to burst open above the caster. The spell is only a temporary light source, and lasts 86 rounds. CALM (7) causes the chosen target to become very calm and peaceful. The target, especially if it is a monster, will no longer attack unless provoked again. RAIN OF STONES (8) causes a cloud to form above the opponents. The air is then filled with the falling of small stones. The enchanted spells strike all the opponents in the room, and each receives 1d6+2 damage, per experience level of the caster. BURST OF PAIN (9) causes the target to be filled with a burst of pain that strikes in the lower back area on the opponent. The pain causes 1d9 damage per experience level of the caster. CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS (12) heals a target for 1d12 hit points, per experience level of the caster. CAUSE SERIOUS WOUNDS (15) inflicts 1d12 damage, per experience level of the caster. INSECT SWARM (27) summons a field of small, biting insects to soar into the room and begin bitting all the opponents within the room. Each opponent is struck with 1d30+30 bites. CONJURE ICY WIND (30) causes a field of ice chards to appear within a breeze that blows toward your opponents. Each opponent is struck by the flying chards of ice, and receive 3d15+30 damage. BOILING BLOOD (35) causes the blood of the target to begin to boil. This horrible torture method was used by the Ancients in their conquest of lesser beings. This spell causes the victim to receive 1d11+1 damage, per experience level of the caster. CALL LIGHTNING (65) causes the heavens to emit a single bolt of lightning to strike a choosen opponent. The opponent recieves 3d6+16 damage from the massive bolt of lightning. WIND OF FEAR (75) causes a giant circulation of fear to be blown toward the opponents. The opponents, once they inhale, will suddenly become afraid and flee from the room. GHASTLY TOUCH (78) causes the spell caster to receive 1d5+9 hit points. per experience level of the caster, from a target. The target is drained of these hit points, and the spell caster receives them. LIFE TAKE (101) is an updated version of Ghastly Touch as explained by SlashStormBringer in his Extended Spell book, "Life Take is a more powerful version of the spell Ghastly Touch. It reduces an opponent's hit points by 1d9+5 points, per experience level of the caster. The hit points are then transfered to the caster." WIND OF CALMING (100) causes a strong wind to engulf the opponents within the room. They will suddenly feel calm and peaceful, and will not attack again unless provoked. CURE CRITICAL WOUNDS (112) heals a target for 1d20+3 hit points, per experience level of the caster. CAUSE CRITICAL WOUNDS (130) causes 1d13+3 damage, per experience level of the caster. RAIN OF LIGHTNING (150) causes a cloud to form in the top of the room. Each opponent is then rained upon with bolts of lightning. Each opponent in the room receives 2d9+2 damage, per experience level of the caster. CALL OF THE GODS (154) asks the Gods to take the opponents in the room and disperse them throughout the realm. The Gods will usually grant this wish upon casting this spell. HAMMER OF THE GODS (155) causes a giant, invisible force to come crashing down upon a target within the room. The opponent receives 3d35+35 damage from the attack of unseen power. GREAT HEAL (180) heals a target for 2d16+10 hit points, per experience level of the caster. ICE STORM (220) causes the room to be filled with a blizzard of ice and snow. The chards of ice that are thrown from the forming clouds will strike all opponents within the room, but narrowly miss all characters to the same alignment as the caster. Each opponent will receive 1d100+100 damage from the storm, which ends after one round. WIND OF DEATH (350) causes all forces, no matter the strength, no matter their race, or their hit points, to die. This wind, that lies thick and black in the air, blows toward all opponents. Each opponent is caught within the field, becoming invisible to all that see them. When they emerge from the field, they are nothing more than a skeletal pile on the ground. 2.3 Jester Spells ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл (*Programmer's notes: The Jester class can be very interesting to role-play with. They have a variety of spells that allow them to perform practical jokes on other players, including the Vanish and Field of darkness spells. Used in the right situation, a Jester can make a very, very powerful opponent -- especially if they are Evil.) VANISH (2) causes the caster to vanish into thin air. The caster is then moved from the room into another, and anyone who witnesses his disappearance has no idea where he went. FIELD OF DARKNESS (4) allows the caster to douse the torch, lantern, or magical flame held by any target they select. AMAZE (7) allows the caster to perform magical feats and other entertainment acts that make any enraged opponent to sit quietly and enjoy the action. They will then remain calm until provoked again. PRODUCE FLAME (8) causes a magical light to appear above the caster, which lasts 150 rounds. FEAR (11) grants the caster the ability to inflict fear in the heart of his victim. The victim will then flee from the room, screaming. WORD OF HEALING (13) gives the caster the ability to heal 1d5+1 wounds, per experience level of the caster. JUGGLE ICE (27) causes target to receive 1d5+1 damage, per experience level of the caster, because the caster is unable to juggle ice properly, and the flying chards strike the opponent. JUGGLE FIRE (36) causes the caster to attempt to juggle balls of fire. The fire will then conveniently slip from the Jester's fingers and strike the opponents, inflicting 1d7+1 damage per experience level of the caster. BREATH FIRE (69) causes the caster's breath to ignite just outside of his mouth. The opponents in the room receive 1d15+1 damage, per experience level of the caster. 2.4 Ranger Spells ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл BEFRIEND (3) calms a choosen target and they become peaceful. They will not attack again unless provoked. ENLIGHTEN (7) causes a beacon of light to open up above the caster. The light lasts for 65 rounds. FLAMING ARROW (12) allows the ranger to fire an arrow of flame at his opponent, who will receive 1d8+8 damage from the piercing arrow. GIFT OF LIFE (18) allows the ranger to extend healing to a target he selects. The target receives 1d6+1 hit points, per experience level of the ranger. ACID ARROW (17) allows the caster to fire an enchanted arrow molded from acid. The arrow, once released, will fly directly to the target that the caster wishes and inflict 1d25+10 damage upon striking. LIGHTNING ARROW (27) causes a lightning bolt to form in the shape of an arrow and strike the opponent instantly. The opponent will then receive 1d8+3 damage, per experience level of the Ranger. 2.5 Avenger Spells лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл SHADOW FLEE (3) allows the caster to disappear into the shadows and escape their current location without being seen by another character. MAGIC TORCH (7) causes a magic torch to appear before the caster, lasting 65 rounds. BOLT OF SEEKING (12) causes a magical bolt to be emited from the caster's hands and fly straight into the chest of his choosen target. The target is hit for 1d8+8 damage. TOUCH OF LIFE (18) grants the caster the ability to give healing to any target he touches. The target will receive 1d6+1 hit points per experience level of the user. BOLT OF SLAYING (17) causes a bolt of seeking to appear in the air, and then upon striking the opponent, will penetrate deeper, causing more damage. The opponent will receive 1d25+10 damage. FLAMING ARROW (27) allows the avenger to fire an arrow of flame at his opponent, who will receive 1d6+5 damage from the piercing arrow, per experience level of the caster. 2.6 Scout Spells лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл BEFRIEND (3) calms a choosen target and they become peaceful. They will not attack again unless provoked. ENLIGHTEN (7) causes a beacon of light to open up above the caster. The light lasts for 95 rounds. MAGIC MISSILE (12) allows the scout to fire an enchanted missile-like arrow toward an opponent, who will receive 1d8+8 damage. LIMITED HEALING (18) allows the scout to heal a victim for 1d3+2 hitpoints per experience level of the caster. WIND ARROW (17) allows the caster to fire an enchanted, invisible arrow at an opponent. The arrow will fly directly to the target that the caster wishes and inflict 1d25+10 damage upon striking. VANISH (20) causes the Scout to vanish into the brush without being seen or heard. The caster is then moved from the room into another, and anyone who witnesses his disappearance has no idea where he went. LIGHTNING ARROW (27) causes a lightning bolt to form in the shape of an arrow and strike the opponent instantly. The opponent will then receive 1d4+9 damage, per experience level of the Scout.