1.0: Original PPE, Written by Rob Westbrook, I've included the source to v1.0 in this archive as A_POST10.PPS 2.0: Updated by Jesse Keene, August 23rd, 1995 -Source code cleaned up, put source into SubRoutines -Modified look of autopost display - added full borders -Fixed "/A" to Abort entry bug where it was only Accepting an uppercase "/A" (exact match), now it will accept "/a" as well as "/A" -Added support for Alias names, tests if alias PSA is installed and if user has an alias, if so uses the user's alias name for the post, otherwise it uses their real name -Added a BADUSERS.DAT file, if the user is in the BADUSERS.DAT file, they will be unable to post an autopost. 2.1: August 27th, 1995 -v2.0 used GoSub calls for all of the subroutines. v2.1 no longer uses GoSub calls, the source has been changed to use FUNCTIONs and PROCEDUREs instead, giving the source a better structure. -The header information for all of the posts has been improved: -Converts the posters name to have the First Letters capitalized, with the rest in lowercase -Now displays: Day of the Week, Month/Date, Time - in words -The time gets converted to 12h (am/pm) before displayed -Now when an autopost is blank, it is not displayed -Added a Delete Post feature for sysops 2.2: August 30th, 1995 -Added a Preview Autopost feature -Now displays a "(S)ave, (E)dit, (N)ew, (A)bort" prompt, -Removed "/A" command for aborting the autopost; replaced with the Save/Edit/New/Abort prompt. -Minor bug fix, in 2.1 would display the autoposts twice if user was found in BADUSERS.DAT, because of calling the Final() procedure, I caught this looking at the code right after u/l'ing 2.1 to Salt Air 2.5: October 10th, 1995 -v2.5 is all of the improvements that I have made over the last month, 'perfecting' the PPE - this will most likely be the last release. -If a user places PCBoard macros in their autopost, the macros will now get stripped before their post is displayed... anything that has @ signs around it with everything inbetween being capital letters, numbers, or a colon (:) will get stripped. (PCBoard @X color codes don't get stripped) -Added a AUTOPOST.CFG file -The setting for the minimum security level to delete autoposts is now in the AUTOPOST.CFG file, instead of the source code -Added a log autopost feature - if enabled, each time a user posts an autopost the autopost will be logged to the AUTOPOST.LOG file. -Added a setting that allows the posts to be displayed in either ascending or descending order. -Added a LightBar Yes/No prompt 2.6: October 29th, 1995 Looks like v2.5 wasn't the last release, after all ;-) -Added Locking of PPE use (for multinode systems) -This is to avoid multinode problems, as having two users enter the PPE at the same time could cause potential problems. -If Enabled (in AUTOPOST.CFG), the PPE will create a semaphore file to flag that the PPE is currently in use. If this semaphore file is found when the PPE is first run, the PPE will terminate, notifying the user that Autopost is in use on another node. -Changed it so that the user must have ANSI color enabled (not just ANSI positioning) for the Lightbar Yes/No prompt to get used. This way users who have ANSI positioning, but not color, won't get the [Yes] [No] prompt, since the color gets stripped and they couldn't tell which was currently selected. -Added a Header Type option in AUTOPOST.CFG -Settings are: (0) Poster's Name only (1) Print Date/Time in "Date: 10-25-95 Time: 12:00pm" format (2) Print Date/Time in Worded format "Wednesday, October 25, 12:00pm" Before, it would just display the header in Worded Format ... 2.61: November 11th, 1995 -Modified the locking routine so that the semaphore file to indicate autopost is in use now uses the node # as the extention, (instead of $INUSE.TMP, it would now be $INUSE.3 if run on node 3) -This allows it get to deleted through the $$LOGOFF.BAT file, making sure that it *Always* gets deleted after someone logs off. -Optimized the code in a few different places,