UNDERSTANDING ProPoser 1.3 Copyright 1995 Sergio Montabone Noriega. ProPoser is the one Data Base Management System having a built-in Database, ready from the first moment to enter any type of data, like your personal data (including all of your remarkable attributes you want record) or data about your family, friends, customers, clients, partners, employees, data about events, dates, anniversaries, of your collection of books, music, your house, car, possessions with serial numbers, technical service, insurance, cook secrets, tips, and any type of information you want record, without need of a previous format. Don't worry about the way to organize and ingress your information because you can modify its structure in the future in any way you want. If you want to know what type of data you cannot ingress, the answer is, none. Anything you can describe with words and/or number has place in the Database of ProPoser. You can ingress as many as 4,000,000,000 different type of records and each record can contains 4,000,000,000 attributes or relations. The true limits are your need or pleasure of collect information and...the size of your hard disk. All data will coexist in the unique Database and you can relate any record with any other record at your way. For example, if you know that one of your clients was owner of your current house, you can record this relation between the man and this house. If ProPoser is on a network, all data, can be viewed, updated, related for any person. Can I put messages in the network? Yes, a message is simply a type of record and, it is said, the Database will accept any type of records. All the internal data management made by ProPoser is transparent for you. You don't need knowledge about files or languages or any information more that your data. Simply call directly your data for its name or any attribute or navigate for all the Database pointing with the cursor and entering and exiting your records, following the relations between them. What kind of Database manage ProPoser? Is a flat file? No, because it permits relations between records. Is a relational Database? No, because relations are stored directly on the database. Is a record or object-oriented database? No, because data are not stored by records. BEGINNING with ProPoser ProPoser is the first Data Base Management System based on Propositional Data Model. It will give to you the capacity to store and view your data easily. With ProPoser you can ingress all type of records, with any type of attributes and make all type of relations between any records. Its built-in database makes you free from creating or managing files. Copy the file PROPOSER.EXE from the diskette to your hard disk. ProPoser initialize like any DOS executable program. From your hard disk at command line, write the program name, PROPOSER, and then press ENTER key. If this is its first execution, the program not will find its data files, and it will create them automatically. On this files ProPoser will store all data you ingress at the future. After any seconds you will get the first screen. The first line presents the menu, where you can see in two groups, actions and objects used by ProPoser: The action View is the one to see your data. The action Edit permits you modify any data. The action Create permits you ingress new data. The action Help permits you access information about using the software. The action Exit permits you end the session with the program. The object Entity refers to any thing having attributes or relations, for example: you are an entity because you have attributes or relations, like name, stature, nationality, relationship, etc. Relation is any thing joining other things, for example: fatherhood is a relation between people. Attribute is a relation of property between a things, for example: name is an attribute, because it pertains to things. The object Class refers to the set of all of the entities having a same common characteristic, for example: the class of the employees is the set of all the entities having a job in an organization. The lighting of line 1 shows the program status. Now the phrase "View Entity" is formed indicating we are viewing the data (attributes and relations) of an Entity. You can select actions and objects pressing F keys. This first Entity is an index to concise explications of any program topic, for example: User Interface, Data ingress, View, Edit and Create actions, Entity and Class objects and Propositional Data Model, the method used by ProPoser to store structured information (patent solicited). From any place of ProPoser you can back to this Help screen simply pressing F4. CREATING ENTITIES As you are an entity, entering your personal data you will be creating an entity. Press F3 key. This will light the phrase "Create Entity" and it will appears a white rectangle. Write the word FIRSTNAME. Press ENTER. The cursor will jump to the other column. Write your first name (Ex. John). Press together CONTROL and ENTER keys. On the new rectangle write the word LASTNAME. Press ENTER. Write your last name. Press CONTROL-ENTER. RELATING ENTITIES You have entered two of your attributes, now ingress a relation with other entity: your mother. On the new rectangle write the word MOTHER. Press ENTER. On the new column write, right now, the sign ( : ). With this sign you are indicating to ProPoser the making of a relation with other entity. So, the written word will be an attribute of other entity, not yours. Write the name of your mother (Ex. Julia). Press CONTROL-ENTER. You will can relate any entity with your mother writing the relation on column 1 and :Julia (for example) on column 2. As we don't ingress more data, press ENTER again to end the action Create Entity. ProPoser will back to action View Entity. As you have entered yourself as an entity, you can ingress entities of any type, persons, objects, events, etc., with any type of attributes and relations. REMEMBER THIS! To secure a good relation, you must ever use an exclusive attribute of the related entity and this attribute must be written with care, including every present orthographic sign. Otherwise, if the attribute is not exclusive, the relationship may be established with other entity with the same attribute or if the attribute is misspelled and not exist any entity with such attribute, ProPoser will create, by default, a new entity and will establish the relation with this new entity. VIEWING ENTITIES To view an entity is so easy as to write one of this attributes. For example: write the name of your mother and press ENTER key. It will appears the entity representing your mother with their unique attribute. EDITING ENTITIES When you established the relation with your mother, ProPoser searched for an entity having an attribute like the name of your mother, to record as data that relation. As this entity was not founded, ProPoser created automatically other entity, and assigned to it, as its unique attribute, the name written for you. ProPoser, not understanding this word is a name, defined that attribute as an...ATTRIBUTE. Now, we can correct this inaccuracy editing the attribute. Move the cursor to the word ATTRIBUTE. Press F2. Write the word FIRSTNAME. Press ENTER. The attribute is now correct and ProPoser back to action View Entity. Now, as an exercise, Edit this entity, your mother, adding new attributes. Move the cursor down to the last attribute, until the last blank line. Press F2. Now you can add here any attribute or relation of your mother in the same way done at Creating Entities section. Add the last name of your mother. You can add any of her attributes or relations. To delete an attribute or relation, point it with the cursor. Press F2. Press Del key deleting all the word. Press ENTER. Note that you cannot edit help entities. VIEWING CLASSES A Class is the set of all the entities having a common characteristic. View in our little database the class of all the entities with FIRSTNAME. Move the cursor over the word FIRSTNAME and press F7 key. The menu line will indicate the action View Class with FIRSTNAME. We can see all the entities with first name, in form of list, each on a different line, showing by column some of the entered attributes. Now, point with the cursor to the entity representing your mother and press F6. The action is View Entity and the actual entity is your mother. Point with the cursor to the last white line and press F7, you will get the class of all of the entities in relation with your mother, for now, only you. To call an entity included in the current class, simply write one of this attributes and press ENTER. øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø Read the following text only if you are interested on the DBMS business or the theoretical fundaments of the data model used by ProPoser. Dear Sir: I offer to you a participation in the development and marketing of a Data Base Management System (DBMS) presenting a great advantage over Relational DBMSs: a built-in file structure, capable to sustain any logical model. It brings to the end user the power to store any type of entities and relations without any creation or modification of files. This software obtains its qualities from the Propositional Data Model. The Propositional Data Model is a new method to store structured data. Truly coherent with the entity-relationship diagram, databases formed with this method keeps relations as data and have a file structure not depending from the particular aspect of reality that it is representing, that is, any logical model can be modified in any way, in real time. Of the Propositional Model, I have filed an application for patent of invention in Chile, and according to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, I have the international priority to file an application in USA and other 100 countries. In my goal to obtain the worldwide industrial property and the total development of the data model, I propose to you some alternatives of business: - License of the source code of ProPoser.exe, the first DBMS that implements the model, user licenses of this program, or a distribution contract. - A percent of the property of the invention or a license to use it. I am ready to listen any other business proposition, including the total transference of my Intellectual Property. I dispose for your evaluation, the mentioned DBMS with a user guide and a text with its theoretical fundaments and data storage method. At your requirement, I will send to you a copy of my Chilean patent application, and all the support, information and pertinent guaranties you need. Truly yours, Sergio Montabone Noriega. Vicente Reyes 4193, Nunoa, Santiago de Chile. Phone (56 2) 274 0410 E-Mail smontabo@mailnet.rdc.cl BEYOND RELATIONAL DATA MODEL" Copyright 1995 Sergio Montabone Noriega. At database art, the method used to represent reality through a data organization, is named a data model. During 1970s, three data models -hierarchical, network, and relational- battled for the Data Model primacy. At 1980s, THE RELATIONAL DATA MODEL emerged as the great winner and is the current most popular data representation method. RELATIONAL DATABASES With the relational model, first, you determine the needed abstraction of reality, then you create a physical model where each entity is represented in a different table where fields store the attributes of each entity. Heavily, this model is incapable to represent relations and the file structure is determined by the logical data structure, constraining us to create or modify a physical model ever you need create or modify a logical model, with the following problems: - each database application requires a specific physical design, - each modification of the database logical design (new entity's classes, attributes or relations) requires modifying the file structure, that is, requires more physical design. So, as creating new data, we must create new tables and the need of relationships between this new tables. Lamentably, the relational model is incapable to express relations between tables. The great quality of the relational model, the ability to divide complex records on simple tables have a cost: loosing relations in terms of data. Any relation must be established as code in the applications using the database. Some important characteristics of the real world are not assumed for relational databases: At real world not exist two equal entities. Each one have different attributes: some are married, some not, some have children, some not, some have many children, some have only one. Who is married may have children or not, who have children may be married or not. Each attribute or relation may take place or not. At real world, entities are not "stored" by any rule of classification. Each entity is member of as many classes as attributes it has. So, you are member of the people class, the bipeds class, the readers class and of other classes that difference you of the other members of the mentioned classes, for your nationality, stature, activity, hobby, etc. Inflexibly, the relational modeling constrains us to define equal attributes for entities which will be stored as records according to only one attribute. For example: as employees at our firm, as citizen at national databases, as members at the club database, etc. So, a simple list according to an attribute different to the one of the table, means a impossible task for a simple user. How can I list all the people related with the firm to send them a Christmas card if they are on many different tables as employees, clients, contractors or others categories? Relational databases are useful for applications requiring a little set of simple tables, but applications reflecting the complex real world need new methods. OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASES For years, a new type of databases have been gaining importance: Object-Oriented Databases. Its great appeal is its ability to work directly with very complex data structures. OODs manage records with items with variable length and occurrence. Flexibly based on record structures, OODs can represent relations between files directly on the database structure. OODs are a great alternative to relational databases but have problems too. OODs are only for experts. You will need object-oriented languages and powerful hardware. OODs present important advantages managing little sets of complex records, being very good on CAD and CASE, but managing great quantity of simple records are slow and not reliable. For 95% of applications, we can not justify the cost of the transition to an OOD. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSITIONAL DATA MODEL (Chilean patent application, filed by the author) To simplify and fast the task of developing and modifying database systems, it is been developed a method to represent structured information that gives a tabular structure useful to any logical data representation and useful to the physical data ordering on files. Databases formed with this method have a file structure that no depends of the particular aspect of reality that it is representing, that is, its logical model can be modified in any way, in real time. TERMINOLOGY For the better understanding of the invention, please make the following conceptual considerations: Consider a relation as something joining things in a geometric, material, energetic, affective, conceptual form or any form, for example: fatherhood is a relation between people. Consider an entity as any thing having attributes or relations, all that can be related in a geometric, corporal, alive, temporal, conceptual form or any form, including texts, files, parts of files, records, fields, commands or any element of a computational system; for example: you are an entity because you have attributes or relations, like name, stature, nationality, relationship, etc. (Note: here, entity has a more general meaning that its meaning at the relational data model.) Consider an attribute as a relation of property between a thing and other, for example: name is an attribute of things because it pertains to things. Consider a class as the set of all of the entities having a same common characteristic, for example: the class of employees is the set of all the entities having a job in an organization. Consider a description as a complete representation of a thing, a terminal data. Consider an identification as a mark, of some data type, that individualizes an entity, respect others. Consider a reference as data pointing to another data of an entity or relation. Consider a pointer as a direct reference to a place in other file. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE First, what is the real world. To our mind, it is a multitude of entities with multiple relations. Human mind, incapable to understand simultaneously the Reality's Variety and Unity, builds a model of Reality, a structure of n entities and n relations called Universe, through the knowledge's process: - Perception incorporates Reality's Variety in the form of a plurality of entities. - Intelligence emulates Reality's Unity by relating entities. - Memory accumulates relations between entities. When human mind makes all the possible relations between all the possible entities of the Universe, it has its complete representation of Reality. That theory lead us to the principle of the invention. This is widely, tacitly accepted by the current data modeling methods. Today, the entity-relationship diagram is the base to represent any real situation on a database. PRINCIPLE OF THE MODEL As we assume the real world as constituted by the set of all of the entities and all of the possible relations between entities, the ideal data model is the one capable to represent any set of entities and relations. Principle: The class of all of the relations between entities mentions all the possible entities and relations, then, it is a valid logical model of the whole Universe. PROCESS Having "The class of all of the possible relations between all the possible entities" as our unique abstraction and logical model for all the Reality, we will create a physical model for our logical model. These are the next steps: - Make a table or file capable to represent physically any relation between entities on a row or record. Make the structure of this table or file where each row or record can contains three or more items or fields where an item or field can contain descriptions, identifications or references to more data about a relation using characters, numbers, pointers or data of other data type, and two or more items or fields can contain descriptions, identifications or references to more data about the related entities, using characters, numbers, pointers or data of other data type. - Store any relation that you want represent, on a row or record. - Store any entity's attribute that you want represent, as a relation between entities. - Store any entity that you want represent, on a set of records containing attributes or relations of the entity. EFFECT With this method we get, without precedents, a class of databases with a file structure capable to store relations, attributes and entities of not predetermined types, in real time, simply adding records. EXAMPLE OF THE METHOD For example, take the following fact: "Serge owns a TV". The fact is about two entities, with one attribute each one and a relation between both entities. This is the fact presented through a set of relations between entities where each is stored on a row. 1- it exists an entityX with first name Serge 2- entityX owns an entityY 3- entityY is a TV If we standardize this table to be represented on a file structure we will have a physical model of the fact. The following standard of representation is a didactic simplification of the one used by ProPoser.exe, the first DBMS implementing the invention, developed by the proper inventor. ProPoser owns a unique and universal data file structure whose form is independent of any application. Because there is no need to design, create or modify a structure, any base modification can be made in real time: aggregation of no pre-existent type entities, aggregation or deletion of attributes within one entity and making of new relations. The automatic index system keep ordered each data unit for fast views and navigation. This DBMS use two files, PROPOSAL.BNK and ALPHA.BNK, to store data. ALPHA.BNK is the file sustaining all the referenced alphanumeric entities. Each entity has its identification (entity?) and its description (the string). - record#1: field#1 = "entityA" , field#2 = "FIRST NAME" - record#2: field#1 = "entityB" , field#2 = "SERGE " - record#3: field#1 = "entityC" , field#2 = "OWNS " - record#4: field#1 = "entityD" , field#2 = "IS " - record#5: field#1 = "entityE" , field#2 = "TV " PROPOSAL.BNK is the table sustaining the representation of the set of propositions. At each record, the string "entity?" is the identification key of an entity. EntityX is Serge entityY is the TV and the other entities are alphanumeric entities described at the other file. This is the representation of the three propositions: - record#1: field#1 = "entityX" , field#2 = "entityA" , field#3 = "entityB" - record#2: field#1 = "entityX" , field#2 = "entityC" , field#3 = "entityY" - record#3: field#1 = "entityY" , field#2 = "entityD" , field#3 = "entityE" With this structure we can add any attribute to Serge or the TV and any relation between both simply adding a record. Equally, we can add other entities or relations with its proper identification keys. This propositional database uses more disk space as a relational database, but it is capable to store a representation of any real entities and relations, in real time, without any file structure modification. With ProPoser you can ingress all type of records, with any type of attributes and make all type of relations between any records. øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø SPANISH MANUAL CONOCIENDO ProPoser 1.3 Copyright 1995 Sergio Montabone Noriega. ProPoser es el £nico Sistema Administrador de Bases de Datos que tiene su propia Base de Datos incorporada, lista desde el primer minuto para entrar todo tipo registros, sean ‚stos sus datos personales, (con todos sus atributos que usted estime dignos de registrar) o datos de parientes, de amigos, de clientes, empleados, proveedores, de eventos, citas, fechas, aniversarios, de su colecci¢n de libros, de m£sica, de su casa, auto, sus pertenencias con sus n£meros de serie, servicio t‚cnico, seguro, recetas de cocina, tips, y cualquier registro de informaci¢n, sin necesidad de darle un formato previo. No se preocupe demasiado por la forma de empezar a entrar datos en la Base porque cualquier registro podr  modificarse en el futuro en la forma que desee, para darle la mejor presentaci¢n. Si ud. se pregunta que tipo de datos no se puede ingresar, la respuesta es ninguno. Cualquier cosa que pueda ser descrita con palabras y/o n£meros tiene cabida en la Base de Datos de ProPoser. Puede ingresar hasta de tipos de registros y cada registro puede contener hasta de atributos o relaciones. Los £nicos limites son su necesidad o placer de coleccionar informaci¢n y...la capacidad de su disco duro. Todos estos datos coexistir n en una £nica Base y usted podr  relacionar datos cualquiera entre ellos en la forma que le parezca. Por ejemplo, si usted descubre que un cliente suyo fue due¤o de la casa en la que usted habita ahora, si lo desea puede registrar como dato el v¡nculo existente entre ‚l y la casa. Si ProPoser est  instalado en una red, todos estos datos, m s todos los incorporados por los dem s, podr n ser vistos, actualizados, relacionados por todos. ¨Puede ponerse mensajes en la red? S¡, un mensaje es un cierto tipo de registros y como ya se ha dicho, la Base acepta todo tipo de registros. Todo el manejo interno que ProPoser hace de la informaci¢n de la Base, es invisible para usted. No necesitar  saber nada de archivos ni lenguajes, ni de ning£n dato ajeno a los datos que a ud. le interesan. Solo llame los datos por sus atributos o navegue por toda la base con el cursor, entrando y saliendo de sus registros. ¨Que clase de Base de Datos tiene ProPoser? ¨Es un manejador de archivos planos? No, porque permite relaciones entre registros. ¨Es una base de datos relacional? No, porque las relaciones quedan registradas directamente en la base de datos. ¨Es una base de datos orientada a registros o a objetos? No, porque los datos no son almacenados por registros. COMENZANDO con ProPoser ProPoser es el primer Sistema Administrador de Bases de Datos basado en el Modelo de Datos Proposicional, El le permitir  f cilmente almacenar y visualizar todos sus datos. Con ProPoser usted podr  ingresar todo tipo de registros, asignarles todo tipo de atributos y establecer todo tipo de relaciones entre cualesquiera registros. Usted nunca se ver  involucrado en creaci¢n o manejo de archivos, porque ProPoser posee una Base de Datos propia. Copie el archivo PROPOSER.EXE desde el diskette hacia su disco duro. ProPoser se inicia como cualquier programa ejecutable del Sistema Operativo DOS. Desde su disco duro, en la l¡nea de comandos del DOS se debe escribir el nombre del programa, PROPOSER en este caso, y luego oprimir la tecla ENTER. Si es la primera vez que lo ejecuta, el programa no encontrar  los archivos de datos que utiliza, y los crear  inmediatamente. En estos archivos se mantendr n todos los datos que usted ingrese en el futuro. Ya en la primera pantalla, en la l¡nea 1, la de Menu, podr  ver en dos grupos, las acciones y objetos usados por ProPoser. Si el menu est  en ingl‚s y usted lo prefiere en espa¤ol, presione las teclas CONTROL-F1. La acci¢n Ver le permite visualizar todos sus datos. La acci¢n Editar permite modificar cualquier dato ya ingresado. La acci¢n Crear permite ingresar nuevas entidades. La acci¢n Ayuda permite accesar informaci¢n acerca del programa. La acci¢n Salir termina la sesi¢n con ProPoser. El objeto Entidad se refiere a cualquier cosa que tenga atributos o relaciones, por ejemplo: usted es una entidad, por tener atributos o relaciones como nombre, peso, estatura, nacionalidad, parentescos, etc. Relaci¢n es cualquier cosa que une otras cosas, por ejemplo: el parentesco es una relaci¢n entre personas. Atributo es una relaci¢n de pertenencia entre cosas, por ejemplo: el nombre es un atributo, por pertenecer a las cosas. El objeto Clase se refiere al conjunto de todas las entidades que tienen una misma caracter¡stica com£n, por ejemplo: la clase de los empleados es el conjunto de todas las entidades que tienen un empleo en una organizaci¢n. La iluminaci¢n de la l¡nea 1 muestra el Status del programa. En este momento, est  formada la frase "Ver Entidad" lo que indica que estamos visualizando los datos (atributos y relaciones) de una Entidad. Esta Entidad es un ¡ndice que permite accesar explicaciones concisas de todos los t¢picos del programa, por ejemplo: Interfaz de Usuario, las acciones Ver, Editar y Crear, los objetos Entidad y Clase y Propositional Data Model, que es el m‚todo usado por ProPoser para ordenar informaci¢n estructurada, del cual existe una solicitud de patente en Chile. Desde cualquier punto del programa se puede retornar a esta pantalla de ayuda, oprimiendo F4. CREANDO ENTIDADES Como usted es una entidad, ingresando sus datos personales usted estar  creando una entidad. Presione la tecla F3. Se iluminar  la frase "Crear Entidad" y aparecer  un rect ngulo blanco. Escriba la palabra NOMBRE. Presione la tecla ENTER. El cursor cambiar  de columna. Escriba su propio nombre (Ej. Luis). Presione conjuntamente las teclas CONTROL y ENTER. En el nuevo rect ngulo escriba la palabra APELLIDO. Presione ENTER. Escriba su propio apellido. Presione CONTROL-ENTER. RELACIONANDO ENTIDADES Usted ha ingresado dos atributos suyos, ahora agregar  una relaci¢n con otra entidad: su madre. En el nuevo rect ngulo escriba la palabra MADRE. Presione ENTER. En esta columna escriba el signo de dos puntos ( : ). Con este signo ud. le est  indicando a ProPoser que debe establecer una relaci¢n con otra entidad, que lo que se escribir  a continuaci¢n no es un atributo suyo, sino de otra entidad. Escriba el nombre de su madre (Ej. Julia). Presione CONTROL-ENTER. En lo futuro, cualquier entidad podr  relacionarse con su madre as¡: teniendo en pantalla dicha entidad, dirija el cursor hasta la l¡nea blanca del final. Presione F2. Escriba la relaci¢n. Presione ENTER. Escriba : y el nombre de su madre, :Julia (por ejemplo). Presione CONTROL-ENTER. Como no ingresaremos m s datos, presione ENTER nuevamente para terminar la acci¢n Crear Entidad. ProPoser retornar  a la acci¢n Ver Entidad. As¡ como se ha ingresado a ud. mismo como entidad, puede ingresar entidades de cualquier tipo, personas, objetos, eventos, etc., asign ndoles cualquier tipo de atributos y relaciones. RECUERDE ESTO! Para asegurar un correcto relacionamiento, use siempre un atributo exclusivo de la entidad a relacionar y escriba dicho atributo con cuidado, incluyendo cada signo ortogr fico incluido en ‚l. De otra manera, si el atributo no es exclusivo, el relacionamiento puede hacerse con otra entidad que comparta el mismo atributo o si el atributo est  mal escrito y no existe ninguna entidad que lo posea, ProPoser crear  por defecto una nueva entidad y establecer  la relaci¢n con ‚sta. VISUALIZANDO ENTIDADES Ver una entidad es tan f cil como escribir en pantalla, uno de sus atributos. Escriba el nombre de su madre y presione ENTER. Aparecer  ella como entidad. Con ESCAPE se retorna a la entidad anterior. (Presione ESCAPE dos veces, s¢lo para probar la acci¢n). EDITANDO ENTIDADES Cuando usted estableci¢ la relaci¢n con su madre, ProPoser busc¢ una entidad que tuviera el nombre de su madre para registrar como dato aquella relaci¢n. Como aquella entidad no se encontr¢, ProPoser cre¢ autom ticamente otra entidad, y le asign¢ como £nico atributo el nombre que ud. escribi¢. Como ProPoser no puede saber que esa palabra es un nombre, defini¢ aquel atributo como un...ATRIBUTO (en ingl‚s). Ahora procederemos a corregir esta inexactitud editando el dato. Visualice a su madre. Posicione el cursor sobre la palabra ATTRIBUTE. Presione F2. Escriba la palabra NOMBRE. Presione la tecla ENTER. El dato ha sido corregido y ProPoser vuelve a la acci¢n de Ver Entidad. Ahora editaremos esta Entidad (su madre) agreg ndole nuevo atributos. Lleve el cursor a la l¡nea blanca bajo el £ltimo atributo escrito. Presione F2. Ahora usted puede agregar aqu¡ cualquier atributo o relaci¢n, en la misma forma que lo hizo en la secci¢n Creando Entidades. Agregue usted el apellido de ella. Para agregar una relaci¢n use el signo : Para eliminar un atributo o relaci¢n, ap£ntelo con el cursor. Presione F2. Presione la tecla Del hasta borrar la palabra. Presione ENTER. Note que no se puede editar las entidades de ayuda. VISUALIZANDO CLASES Una Clase es el conjunto de todas las entidades que tienen una caracter¡stica com£n. Visualicemos en nuestro peque¤o c£mulo de datos la clase de todas las entidades con Nombre. Posicione el cursor sobre la palabra NOMBRE y presione la tecla F7. La l¡nea de Men£ nos indica que hemos accesado la acci¢n Ver Clase con NOMBRE. Podemos ver todas las entidades que tienen Nombre, en este caso son dos, ud. y su madre, cada una en una l¡nea diferente, mostrando en columnas, sus atributos. Ahora apunte a la entidad que representa a su madre y presione F6. La acci¢n ahora es Ver Entidad y la entidad es la que estaba en cursor en la pantalla de clase, su madre. Apunte con el cursor a la £ltima l¡nea blanca y presione F7, obtendr  la clase de todas las entidades relacionadas con su madre, por ahora, s¢lo usted. Para llamar una entidad que pertenezca a la clase simplemente escriba uno de sus atributos y presione ENTER.