Pursuant to the ELECTRONIC AND COMMUNICATIONS PRIVACY ACT of 1986 TITLE 18, UNITED STAES CODE, Sections 2510, 2520, 2530 and following, notice is hereby given that there are no facilities provided by this system for sending or receiving private or confidential messages. The System Operator and assigns can and may read all messages left by any user. SYSOPS and ASSIGNS may periodically review messages/communications and reserve the right to edit/relocate/delete or make same available to properly constituted law enforcement agencies without the neccessity for subpoena, data in active message bases and/or backup media. We actively encourage and promote the free exchange and discussion of information, ideas and opinions except when the content would in any way compromise national security of the United States, violate proprietary rights, personal privacy, or applicable State, Federal, or local laws & regulations affecting telecommunications or constitute a crime or libel. We also reserve the right to suspend/delete a user on this BBS for failure to adhere to the rules and regulations on this BBS. This may also result in the loss/forfeiture of any credits purchased. We will NOT tolerate the following: Hacking/Cracking of user accounts Using Fraudulent credit cards Exchanging or soliciting child pornography Racial and/or sexual rantings/threats Uploading commercial software Uploading of virus infected software Impersonating a Sysop or System Operator By logging on to this BBS you are accepting the rules of this BBS.