FREEDOM SOLDIER 3-D VIRTUAL REALITY THRILLER With danger and excitement, your mission begins normally on alien world you call home, Crwand-- where your race has been taken from your home, Erthron, 100 years ago. Now the time has come for your race to attack the Skull aliens, your dreaded enemy, so that you can obtain freedom for your race from the aliens that took you from your home planet so long ago and made you all slaves. "No more!" you say. A rebel army has been formed, and you are part of that army. Your mission is to terminate the Skull leaders themselves and stop the race called Nuls, who have teamed with the aliens to try to stop your army before it gets a chance to make any headway. You are at WAR! For the survival of your race, you must WIN. Long live the rebel soldiers... 15 levels of excitement. The price of this shareware game is $14.95. With your order, you get Mission 2, Attack of the Genetics Bugs and a demo of Dungeon of Terror, a 3d dungeon game in the rolling 1920's featuring strange things that go bump in the night. MISSION 2 ATTACK OF THE GENETICS BUGS (WARNING THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLY TOUGH FOR SOME GAMERS) Can you handle it? It's six months past your first mission after terminating the Skull leaders and the Nuls. Something has come to pass that may endanger your rebel army. At a base in no man's land, the empire is making an army of GENETICS BUGS! It is guarded by lots of stormtroopers and other aliens, as well as bugs themselves. You must go in and destroy the lab and all computer data on the subject of genetics bugs for the survival of the rebel army. THIS IS ALL OUT WAR! date -4622AB/SEPGY 27 planet crwand battle 1a/bug3d To order the full game with 22 levels of excitement and thrilling adventures, send $14.95 with your name and address to JIM BALL 2285 Laurelwood Drive Columbus, OH 43229 E-MAIL JBALL99653@AOL.COM OR JIMBALL@IX.NETCOM.COM If you like I can by E-MAIL upload to you Mission One, Freedom Soldier. The 15 levels of excitement of the first mission start it all. This program (Mission one) is shareware; please feel free to upload it to your favorite bulletin board or online service. We also encourage you to include it on CD-ROM's.