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These guidelines are not meant to be restrictive with regards to promoting fellowship, but are those "boundaries" that are set as a "rule" for conduct, which will be enforced for the enjoyment of all who participate. Please be aware that although use of the Calvary Chapel BBS's is a FREE service to the public, that we are indeed a ministry of Calvary Chapel. Please be considerate of this when posting messages that may deal with other church organizations. Posting BBS Ads related to a Non-Calvary Chapel focus is not permitted. Please also be aware that this is a family oriented ministry, and that children will also have access to the services within. RULES OF CONDUCT: 1. Let all your typing give glory to God; in respecting your brother, in treating your brother with brotherly love, and in your witness as a Child of God... and Ambassador for Christ... while communicating on CalvaryNet. 2. Let all bitterness, envy, strife, speaking evil of dignities and of government rulers be far from you. Let backbiting be something far from you. Shine as a light on a hill... and salt to savor the minds of each Christian and potential Christian on CalvaryNet. "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." {Ephesians 4:32} 3. Let all evil communication be far from you. Don't judge your brother as being from the pit of hell... or as being from an evil spirit, nor to say evil things to your brothers... be kind.. treating your brothers and sisters with the respect you would want to be treated. 4. Above all.... love.. and forgive one another... for in doing so you show you have great command of the scriptures.. and of yourself. 5. Let Christ dwell in you richly on CalvaryNet, and do not "jump in" when the above evils are beginning as a small harsh voice to your ears. Overcome such with love... and with kindness in return.. regardless of the way you are treated. 6. If you have a complaint against another brother regarding their actions on CalvaryNet, please bring that complaint to the SYSOP of the BBS you are calling. That Sysop will then set up some sort of means for you to communicate with the offending party so you can "go to your brother when you have an offense against them". THIS WILL BE DONE APART FROM THE NETWORK. If such cannot be resolved between the "brethren" themselves, that Sysop will bring this problem to the attention of the Network Administrator (John Scudder) in the CC-Admin Conference. The Network Administrator will use the various support and prayer advisors on CalvaryNet to review each occurance on a case-by-case basis. Any alterations to the above guidelines will be dealt with quickly, to avoid disharmony and a veering from our focus of fellowship "in the Love of Christ". 7. If you use TAGLINES attached to your mail, such must not be offensive in any manner, and must give Glory to God. If your taglines are extremely inappropriate {blatant disrespect or inappropriate language, crude, abusive, or otherwise} you will promptly be asked to discontinue fellowship on CalvaryNet. 8. Absolutely no references to "swearing" or other inappropriate communication, however mild, are permitted on this family oriented BBS. We have all age groups involved in this free fellowship ministry, as well as an obligation to have our written communication conform to the following: "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." {Ephesians chapter 4, verse 29} "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." {Philemon chapter 1, verse 6} 9. Please to not demean or speak ill of other Christian Networks on CalvaryNet. It is not within our focus to compare nor ridicule other ministries in the service of our King. If you have a complaint regarding another Christian Network other than CalvaryNet or another Christian Ministry in the Service of our Almighty God, we encourage you to contact that Network's Administration and make your concerns known. Gossip regarding any other ministries in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ is not wise, nor appropriate. Also, please refrain from discussing possible inappropriate actions a brother may have on other Christian Networks while on CalvaryNet. We can (in love) peacefully discuss their "CalvaryNet" specific actions in accordance with these CCPOLICY guidelines *apart* from their actions on other Networks or ministries. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 2 Corinthians 12:20 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ "For I fear that perhaps I may come and find you not what I wish, and that you may find me not what you wish; that perhaps there may be quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder." {RSV} 10. The Network Administrator can alter or delete any message on CalvaryNet if such are inappropriate for family viewing or inconsistent with the above guidelines. This prohibits their inappropriate content from going out over the network.... to Christian Families and other BBS's. The use of @#^$% type characters in conjunction with relaying a thought are not permitted, as they convey the same inappropriate wordage and intended meaning as the word they are symbolizing. The Network Administrator can refuse access to CalvaryNet to any individual or group of individuals that are inconsistent with the focus and/or objective of this Ministry, including the inability to communicate with one another under these (and Biblical) listed Guidelines. 11. The Calvary Chapel Sysops actively Relaying CalvaryNet have a responsibility to monitor their respective BBS's for inappropriate behavior, and thus, may have additional guidelines for your behavior while you are on their respective BBS. We encourage you to communicate with the Sysop of the particular BBS system you are using if you have any concerns. 12. The Administrative Pastor of CalvaryNet is Pastor Ralph Wood of Calvary Chapel Oceanside. The Network Administrator (John Scudder) is under the authority of Pastor Ralph. Pastor Ralph Wood has access to all CalvaryNet communication. Since we are "forgiveness" and "fellowship in love" oriented, all corrective administrative actions will be handled on an individual basis. When a situation does arise that requires Administrative Action, there will be an immediate "time out" for the parties involved, which is basically a *temporary* restriction from CalvaryNet Communication until the presented actions can be prayerfully considered and dealt with in love and admonition of the Lord. The Structure and Focus of CalvaryNet is to provide a means to connect the Calvary Chapel and affiliate churches while also providing a wonderful Christ centered family oriented fellowship ministry to the world. There is an "extended focus" to Reach, Teach, Mend, and Send in conjunction with the whole Calvary Chapel orientation and objectives in ministry. 13. "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." {1 Peter 4:8} WHEW! now that these guidelines that "HELP US TO REMEMBER" the LOVE IN CHRIST we have for one another are listed, we can go on, sharing in His most Precious Light! To Lighten all who cross our path... and all who can see. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please take a moment to pray regarding your requests, and then present them to the SYSOP of the Bulletin Board you are communicating on. With love in Christ... John Scudder Administrator: Calvary Chapel Computer Ministries: CalvaryNet Internet: *NOTE NEW ADDRESS* john.scudder@kandy.com CalvaryNet Information WorldWide: 1-800-280-9995 BBS: 619-630-7437 VOICE (24 hr info): 619-630-0340 http://www.khouse.org/calvarynet