ÛÛ» ÛÛ» ÛÛ» - a little about the ministry, and then a little ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº about John and Kara (at the end of the file). ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛÉÍÍÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛº ÛÛ» ÛÛ» ÛÛ» ÛÛ» ÛÛ» Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ Èͼ I would like to welcome you to this wonderful Computer Ministry of Calvary Chapel. The Calvary Chapel Network is designed to connect Calvary Chapel and affiliate churches for fellowship and information exchange as well as provide Calvary Chapel Mission and ministry needs to the world. Although this is a ministry of Calvary Chapel, all Christians/non-Christians are encouraged to fellowship In-The-Love-Of-Christ here on CalvaryNet. If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, it is our hope and prayer that after seeing the Love of Christ through the Christians on CalvaryNet, and seeing The Word of God presented, that you will ask Jesus to come into your life.. into your heart... and receive the promise of eternal life. CalvaryNet is monitored regarding brother to brother relations as well as content, intent, and scriptural reference of the messages posted. There are a few guidelines that outline expected behaviors of the users here on CalvaryNet, and such should have been made available to you for reading prior to your access on CalvaryNet. This may have been in the form of a BBS Bulletin, or an introductory screen before accessing the actual message base {conferences}. Most of the guidelines that will affect the general user are located in the CCPOLICY.TXT file, but there are other outlined expectancies for both user and sysops {system operators of a bbs} in the CC-ADMIN.TXT and CC-SYSOP.TXT files. In addition to the CCPOLICY.TXT file, many conferences will have specific "content oriented" guidelines. These conference specific guidelines will be made available to you on a regular basis from within that conference itself. These "conference specific guidelines" will be presented automatically each month in their respective conferences. CalvaryNet is monitored by the Network Administrator as well as the sysops of each respective Calvary Chapel BBS. The Network Administrator receives input from the pastors and sysops on CalvaryNet, and then after much prayer, directs the results from any Administrative talks to conform to CalvaryNet's structure and focus and the Spiritual leading of Pastor Ralph Wood. This may not always be democratic in nature, but it will always be open to how the Holy Spirit leads the Network Administrator and founder of CalvaryNet. God has richly blessed this ministry for Calvary Chapel, and prayer regarding network decisions and focus are always encouraged. If you have difficulty navigating around on the BBS you are in contact with, you are generally given a menu of choices which has an option to "C"omment to the SYSOP. That will allow you to leave a message directly to the individual that runs that system for help/assistance. It is a wonderful blessing to have the Body of Christ communicating here on CalvaryNet. This is a place where you can come and share the Gospel, fellowship with other believers, and to receive and exchange information. Interaction with the Pastors of Calvary Chapel in CC-SUPPORT is also a blessing. But! Just who is John and Kara Scudder? A little about WHO John and Kara Scudder are... I am John Scudder.. alias John B. Scudder, alias John Brookfield Scudder.. alias Sysop of The Shepherd's Flock Family Christian BBS in Oceanside and Administrator of CalvaryNet A little about my wife and I, then a little about my rabbits... I am married to Kara. I start out with this because we are "one", and so.. heh heh.. when I talk about myself, I just HAVE to mention her.. my special wife {and only wife :} of 7.4 years. We met at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, where I dropped my NEW Bible in front of her. I explained that I was so excited about the resources in that particular Bible that I dropped it.. heh heh. I showed her what I was talking about, and opened it up (randomly) to the Song of Solomon.. where the beginning outline presented a sequence of events that occur when "falling in Love" {WOW!}. I showed her where it mentioned "Falling in Love/courtship", then "United in Love/Wedding", "Struggling in Love/Problem", and finally, "Growing in Love/progress". We were married 1.5 years later in he parents Lutheran Church. Kara and I are Registered Nurses, working in ICU and ICCU (Intensive Care Unit and Intensive Cardiac Care Unit) areas in Orange County (California) hospitals. We love our work, and share with each other daily our evenings events. We work 12 hour night shifts, and travel approximately 70 miles each way to and from work. We love the drive.. and due to the excellent pricing and weather in Oceanside California, we would not have it any other way. There are "days" we ponder moving closer to work.. GRIN.. but.. all in all.. we are so appreciative of the Blessings the Lord has bestowed on us that the drive is not appreciable. We originally lived in an appartment in Garden Grove Calif. (where we initiated The Shepherd's Flock Family Christian BBS Ministry of Calvary Chapel), and after a few years, moved to our condo in Irvine Calif. 3 Years later, we again moved a new home in Oceanside Calif. The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS was started for the Calvary Chapel users at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and for any one else in the community that wanted to "log on". With each move, this Calvary Chapel Ministry grew.. expanded, and was blessed of the Lord. We have provided Christian files, games, and forum, where "fellowship in the love of Christ and respect for each other" was the main focus. This CalvaryNet ministry has been a blessing to Kara and I, and we are honored that the Lord has allowed us to serve in this capacity. CalvaryNet is and will always be FREE. It is setup so that it is completely free to the public, and supported solely by the blessings that God bestows on the BBS Sysops. No money is ever requested for access to CalvaryNet or general use on a Calvary Chapel BBS. Some BBS systems to require a fee for *additional* services other than CalvaryNet usage, but CalvaryNet itself is always freely accessed. John and Kara.. in the Lord.. Kara came to know Jesus in her teens' and I have known the Lord all my life. I have attended Calvary Chapel for over 16 years (the first 5 years intermittently). We Love the Lord and incorporate Him in our daily lives, with prayer, Bible sharing, and in loving each other as Christ Loves the Church, and gave Himself for it. I have the BEST Wife, but others who love their wives as Christ loves the Church will argue that they have the best wife {smile}. We love meeting brothers and sisters for fellowship and fun whenever our busy schedule permits. Now.. the Rabbits... heh heh.. we have two.. Thumper. and.. Betsy. Thumper Bunny is white with a light brown spots in all the cutest of areas. Holland Lop. He is so beautiful.. and his sister.. Betsy Bunny, is Black with white spots in all the cute areas too. Betsy is a mix of something or another.. and.. we have been told that they both look like they should be in a Palace... heh heh. They keep themselves very clean. Rabits are wonderful pets, and are very territorial when it comes to "going to the bathroom". They only urinate one place, and defecate in another.. neat little droplets of raisin shaped nutrient rich black balls. If they starve, they can actually eat their own "dodo" and get just as high a nutrient intake as they would from their own food. Sometimes.. ya live and learn eh? I don't recommend anyone trying this at home.. :) Rabbits can stay in a cage, or can be "let loose" if watched. They like to chew, so watching them is a must.. cords.. etc.. can be "nice targets". However, ours are well maintained, and we can "trust" Thumper out for long periods of time without worry. Betsy is younger, and requires more supervision. You can leave for a week or so as long as you have their water bottles filled and have a couple of food log roles in the cage.. they are very self maintaining. A cool environment is a must. PERFECT PETS! Your servants in Christ.. John Scudder and Kara Scudder Administrator: Calvary Chapel Computer Ministries: CalvaryNet Internet: *NOTE NEW ADDRESS* john.scudder@kandy.com CalvaryNet Information WorldWide: 1-800-280-9995 BBS: 619-630-7437 VOICE (24 hr info): 619-630-0340 http://www.khouse.org/calvarynet "\_e_/" |_O_/~ (*) }} - YAHOO! Dancing for the Lord! /| ~\/\ \\ /