SHUFFLE =-=-=-= Usage: shuffle general.mix scenario.scn Where scenario.scn is the file which contains the ASCII scenario information. This will create a new file called (it will overwrite the file if it currently exists). This takes a while to create as shuffle is very unoptimised and just reads/writes 1 byte at a time. What this program does: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This program lets you create general.mix files that are a different size from the originals. It changes the header information so that it reflects the changes made to the file. It does this by copying the file up to the position where the new scenario information is to go, inserting that then writing the rest of the file. It doesn't allow insertion of new mission, but allows you to easily replace current ones. You shouldn't have to use this program unless you want to make permanent changes to the general.mix file. How to use: =-=-=-=-=-= The offset you enter must be the beginning of the scenario information that you are replacing (usually the same offset you used for extract, but use a hex editor or view to get addresses). It takes a few minutes to create the file, so be patient. Use your brains when using this program (don't try using it when you have less than 4M on your HD ;)) The map stays the same, so you will have to use map-p to insert the new map (if there is one) into the file. Andrew