BAC/AEROSPATIALE CONCORDE **You must have Flight Simulator Flight Shop to use this aircraft** This is my second attempt at designing the Concorde. It is painted in British Airways colors on the left side, and in Air France colors on the right side. The "droop snoot" nose remains in the lowered position below 180 kts to improve crew visibility during take-off and landing. The nose will raise at speeds above 180 kts. It was difficult to determine the correct flight dynamics, so you can tweak it a little if you desire. The Concorde has four 38,050 lb Rolls-Royce/SNECMA Olympus 593 Mk 610 turbojets. I needed to increase the maximum thrust to 48,000 lb in order to reach Mach 2.04, the maximum cruising speed. To install: Copy the concord2.*af files to the Texture directory. Copy the concord2.air file to the Pilots directory. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Adam J. Fields December 19, 1995