**************************************************** LEVEL NAME: CargoBay5 AUTHOR: Jason Muhs VERSION #: V1.0 LEVEL(S) REPLACED: SECBASE (Level 1) LEVEL TYPE: New level from scratch KNOWN BUGS: Hardly Noticable clipping in one room *************************************************** New VUEs: NO New VOCs: NO New GMDs: NO New WAXs: YES New FMEs: NO New BMs: NO New LOGICs: YES New 3DOs: NO Diff. SETTINGS: NO, this level is hard enough! Unzip to your C:\Dark directory Files in this .zip CargoBay.txt <---- this file CargoBay.gob --- the main .gob file CargoBay.bat --- the .bat file to start up CargoBay5 Use Cargobay.bat to start the level CREDITS ------------- Dark Forces...................... LucasArts DFUSE level editor............... Yves Borckmans Dark Logic Pro (Logic Editor)..... Jason Muhs and Adam Shane CYRA .WAX editor.................. Carlos Gomez FMECAD64 .FME editor.............. Carlos Gomez Dfuse Tutorial Part 1 + 2 ........ Ben McBride and Pat McBride CargoBay5 Level Author........... Jason Muhs Eisly StormTrooper .WAX.......... Captain Maddog Black Stormtrooper .WAX ......... Rich Snodgrass BETA testers .................... Adam "Pyscho" Shane Kyle "The Sniper" Muhs Very Special Thanks to Yves Borckmans for DFUSE!!! ------------------- MISSION BACKGROUND ------------------- Bad News, Kyle. Remeber that CargoBay we loacted in the Barra galaxy around 1 month ago? Well, we sent in X-wing scouts to gather some info. about the base. We found out that the CargoBay is being used for illegal weapon and Dark Trooper importing and exporting. We decided to send in Crix Madine (under the diguise of a StormTrooper). He was able to gain access into to restricted areas and smuggle us the following information: - The base is currently in the process of total exporting. This means the base is getting rid of all it's cargo and thus, will be abandoned in a few weeks. - The base is rather small, but the forces inside are overwhelming. - All the cargo is already gone from the base. It's all been exported. - Darth Vader is scheduled to arrive at the base for final inspection. When Madine went back to the base to get us more information, he was captured. Right now, he is said to be held in the Detention facility somewhere in the caves around the base. Your mission: Get to Madine at ALL costs. He is said to be awaiting execution. We cannot stress enough the importance of bringing back Madine alive. Once you are in the base, be careful, the Empire is said to have hired some Bounty Hunter groups to help them export the illegal Cargo. Since all the Cargo is already out, the Bounty Hunters will hanging around the base until they are compensated. Be careful young Jedi, and may the force be with you. -------------------- MISSION OBJECTIVES -------------------- - Gain access to the CargoBay Main Detention Hall - Rescue Crix Madine *************************************************** Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. I am not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this level, CargoBay5. Use at your own risk. It is highly unlikey it will damage your computer. You MAY distribute this level as long as all files in the .zip are not modified with in any way. Upload to whatever BBS, Web site, etc. that you want. Upload like crazy. I like to see my levels all over. =) You may place this level on CD, etc. as long the .zip and it's contents are NOT modified in any way, shape, or form and I'm given credit for this level. ***************************************************** Final Comments: You can reach me for questions, comments, criticism, etc. at: Werewolf5@aol.com On CompuServe, you may find me occasionaly in the Action Games Forum under the name: DarkCrow or Joe Muhs. On AOL, send an IM or E-mail to Werewolf5. If you enoyed this level, you may want to try out my other GOOD level: "INVASION" The file is named: Invasion.zip Invasion can be downloaded from AOL Invasion can be downloaded from CompuServe (Go Action Games) CYA later Dark Forces Players! Jason Muhs aka DarkCrow aka Werewolf5 Rancor Squad TacO