This is most of the city airports in this block. I had no reference material for the downtown bldg. arrangement but you can tell where the core is. .bgls to FS5\scenery .r8s to texture This has the latest .oav textures ...if you have them all..delete it if you don't, you'll need them for stuff being made with Airport121 (latest version) I have only run this on 5.0, I'm still not ready to get into all the problems I read about with 5.1 and CD. If you have other Denver area scenery, ISS, the new 5.1 stuff, other local downloads...YOU CAN'T RUN THEM ALL without conflicts...I suggest that when you find something you like for a given area...THROW THE REST OUT. For what it's worth, one fella using 5.1 CD said he had trouble with my KCMetro with the CD in. He found that when he loaded the program to disk and took the CD out of the tray, it worked fine. That could be the case with some of your other downloads. I'm going to make one more Denver block,when time permits, to get Jeffco in with the other 5 blocks. I have'nt even seen what the CD puts in Denver, maybe I've been wasting my time. Regards, Ben