<- WORD WRAP ON -> TITLE: November 3, 1995 Seattle By Tony Nogales (CIS 103006,123) or (Pilot12345@aol.com) !!!ATTENTION!!! You must have FSASM.FSO installed for the Dynamic scenery to work! It is easy to obtain/install, directions below tell how. If you don't care about the Dynamic scenery or can't find FSASM.FSO then just don't put the files "TN-bfi.bgl" and "TN-sea.bgl" into your scenery directory. DESCRIPTION: Here is file that will make Seattle much more realistic. Scenery has been added not only to the major airports, but the surrounding area as well. Many great locations have been included. Check out Huskey Stadium, The Columbia Tower, Martha Lake (located a few miles SE of Paine Field), the new Key Arena (looks great at night), and even Mr. Gate's house (under construction). CONTENTS: airport001.oav - airport008.oav texture files check.r8 texture file TN-bfi.bgl scenery file TN-sea.bgl scenery file TN-sea2.bgl scenery file Martha.stn situation file readme.txt this! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Put the *.oav and the *.r8 files in your fltsim5\texture\ directory. (You must update the *.oav files if you have not already; check the dates on the files to make sure you have the newest.) Put the *.bgl files in your fltsim5\scenery\ directory. Put the *.stn file in your fltsim5\pilots\ directory. To install FSASM.FSO: 1. Copy FSASM.FSO from your FSASM directory to your Flight Simulator directory. For example: copy c:\fsasm\fsasm.fso c:\fltsim5 2. Add the line "INCLUDE=FSASM.FSO" to the end of the FS5.INI file in your Flight Simulator directory. For example: edit c:\fltsim5\fs5.ini INCLUDE=FSASM.FSO The latest version of FSASM may be obtained from the following locations: * Internet http://www.halcyon.com/zof/fsasm.html ftp://ftp.halcyon.com/local/zof/ New versions, updates, and add-ons will always be available here first. Other goodies may appear here from time to time. ftp://ftp.iup.edu Check the UPLOADS: directory. You must use the colon in the directory name. * Compuserve GO FSFORUM FSASM.FSO is available individually in a small zipfile named FSAFSOxx.ZIP, where xx is the version number. As of this writing, the current version is 1.0, available separately as FSAFSO10.ZIP. DISCLAIMER: Tony Nogales will not be held liable or responsible in any way for any damage whatsoever resulting from the installation and/or use of this file. This file has been tested on FS version 5.1 only! This file and its contents are FREEWARE. Use it however and whenever you want. CREDITS: Manfred Moldenhauser for SCASM(Great Compiler!) The creators of Airport for the excellent tools(Great program!) The creators of FSASM(Easy to make Dynamic Scenery!) Vincent Bazillio for Grue(Well Done!) Please send questions, comments, gripes, to: Tony Nogales at: CIS 103006,123 AOL PILOT12345