================================================================ Title : DeathTower for Hexen Filename : HEXTOWR.WAD Author : Dalias Email Address : 71614,3257 Description : A conversion of my DeathTower map for Doom 2, though many things have been changed. All weapons are available. The Wraithverge is included, but the risk to get it is the greatest I've ever seen! Hehehe :) Enjoy! Additional Credits to : ID, for a great game engine. Dalias (me), for WAD Studio. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : MAP01/Warp Level 1 Single Player : YES (for preview only, no monsters) Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO WAY!!! You want help previewing it??? Deathmatch 1-4 Player : YES! Difficulty Settings : YES! (see notes below) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : DTHTOWR.WAD for DOOM II Build Time : About 6 hours, including testing for the original. A few hours converting and adding things. Editor(s) used : WAD Studio 1.5 ZenNode 0.95 - it rules! It's fast and it doesn't screw up. Known Bugs : NONE! If any were known I'd have fixed them! :) * Play Notes * Since many of us hate all the fourth weapons, I have included skill levels. Level 1,2 - If you want Quiteus, Bloodscourge, Wraithverge. Level 3 - If you hate the Wraithverge but like the others. Level 4,5 - If you don't want any of the fourth weapons. On levels 3 and up, the weapons removed are replaced with other weapons or items. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this file freely, but please do not use parts of it in constructing your own level. Also, do not DISTRIBUTE modified versions of this level. If you have ideas for improvements, please send them to CIS:71614,3257. * Where to get this WAD * CIS:ACTION - CompuServe Action Games Forum