íThe Wadí This wad is the compilation of the first wad I released (1INVASIO.ZIP) and a second much larger level. Many changes were made to the first level before it was reused here. All the sound effects were extracted from other sound pwads, Enigma 13's Very good DGOLD5.WAD, and Scott Furman's TOTALSFX.WAD. Credit goes to those authors for those new sounds! Two different skill levels are supported, Hurt Me Plenty and Ultra-Violence. There are DeathMatch starts, but the second Level is a little big for that! íThe Storyí You were given leave, but why? There is more to do at the Base then ever! But, then why ask, why? "Wonder what all that talk about the Experiments on the Second Level?" You ask. "Don't know, but one things for sure, they're up to something down there!" Sarge looks at you and says,"Go on have a good time, everythings fine!" Oh well, guess I will, haven't been to town in while anyway. You come back several hours later and things just don't seem right. What's that green glow? Hey, why is everybody shooting at me!? Glad I brought my Pistol...... íNotesí The third and Final Episode in this series will be out soon....well maybe not soon....but eventually I'll finish it! Look for Demon Invasion Episode 3, at an ftp site or BBS near you!