Khalkhin-Gol, is a river in Outer Mongolia. It was the site that the Japanese High Command chose to "save face" with the Emporer's blessings after their unauthorized 1938 attack turned into a disaster. The attack was a test to see how the Russians would react. The Japanese had their eyes on the the vast steppes and its riches and the Russian eastern port city of Vladivostok. The Emporer had already decided to "Strike South" against the european colonies there, but allowed this attack against Russian forces to allow his High Command and army to regain its prestige. This time the attack would be sanctioned and more organized. Striking fast the Japanese and their Inner Mongolian cavalry allies captured the Outer Mongolian border village of Nomanhan. Then set their eyes on the constabulary garrison in a log fort near the Khalkhin-Gol river some 10 kilometers away. The Russians had been alerted by some civilians and had assembled their own Outer Mongolian People's Republic cavalry to counter the invasion. This was the precursor battle that is represented by Steel Panther's Pacific theater scenario "Clash In The Desert". Khalkhin-Gol more rightly resembled tribal warfare rather than modern 20th century warfare of which it was a part. In the real fight the Japanese and their Inner Mongolian cavalry were defeated and driven back across the border. Keith Heitmann Stalag 13 BBS (219) 763-0826