Sabre Rattling, Khalkhin-Gol, May 1939 Hirohito's Kwantung Army in Manchuria had disobeyed his direct orders in 1938 and caused a major incident with Russia with an unauthorized attack against Russian forces. The attack was finally brought to a halt by superior Russian numbers of armor and air power and fast political negotiations by the Japanese. To "save face", Hirohito gave his army permission to prepare a more organized operation against the Russians in Mongolia near the Khalkhin-Gol river. The initial contact was made by a force of Inner Mongolian cavalry and their Japanese advisors. The attack swiftly captured the village of Nomanhan just across the border. However the Russians were alerted and dispatched a force of cavalry of the Outer Mongolian People's Repulic to meet the invaders while and alert was sent to Moscow about the situation. As Japanese commander you must deal with the Soviet forces against you, hold the village of Nomanhan, and capture the Soviet constabulary head quarters located 10 kilometers away across the Khalkhin-Gol river. Keith Heitmann