It is August of 1943 and Operation Citadel and the Soviet Summer Offensive are in full swing. Both sides are making progress. A Soviet armored column has penetrated the front and is heading into the German rear, endangering lines of communication and supply. Orders have rapidly been passed down assembling Kampgruppe Kunz to squash this breakthrough and save the situation. The skies are overcast, it is dawn, and visibility is poor. Forest hexes are impassible to vehicles and should not be used by a human player (unfortunately, the computer knows paths through them). This scenario was first published in Wargamers Digest Vol 1 No. 11 September 1974 and has been fought by our club, Mid America Wargamers and presented by them at conventions at least 20 times in the last 22 years. Enjoy!! Tom Konczal (TomK1 @