In January 1944, the Soviet Union launched a major offensive against Armee Gruppe North. Opposing it was the III SS Panzer Korps, a unit composed primarily of European volunteers under the leadership of Ogruf. Felix Steiner. The Red Army made steady progress into the summer of 1944 but suffered enormous casualties at the hands of the SS legions. One particularly bloody battle occurred along the last approaches to the city of Talinn, capitol of Estonia, at a place called "Orphanage Hill." In the ruins of a former orphanage, the 1st Btl, SS Reg. 67 of the 6th SS Sturmbrigade "Langemark", under the leadership of Hstuf. Wilhelm Rehmann, fought off the 2nd Baltic Front forces of Soviet General Govorov. This scenario was designed to be played as the Germans. The two formations positioned to the west of the hill (4 StugIVs and 4 squads) may not move until turn 8 unless they are fired upon sooner. One of the SS anti-tank guns is commanded by Uscha. Remi Schrynen, who won the Knights Cross in this action. Enjoy; it won't be pretty. ---