WinTex 4.1 A WAD Editor Copyright (c) 1995 O. Montanuy ( with MUS player by V. Arnost ( Please take the time to READ the Help File. NEW FUNCTIONS at the end of this files. List of corrected bugs at the end of this file. What is WinTex? WinTex lets you customise your DOOM, HERETIC or HEXEN levels beyond what is possible with level editors. It let you replace sounds, musics, and monster sprites, and let you create new wall textures, floors and ceilings. And it will collaborate with your level editor. WinTex is a (low budget) Shareware But you have no obligation to register WinTex 4.x. It's all your choice. If you think this program is cool, you want to help it become even better, and if you want that future version remain low budget :) then register! You need only register once for all future versions of WinTex 4.x Supported Games WinTex 4.x supports DOOM, DOOM2, Ulitmate DOOM and HERETIC. HEXEN is only partially supported (no official specs available). Legal Stuff DOOM, HERETIC, HEXEN are trademarks of id software, inc. WinTex comes with NO WARRANTY whatsoever. I will not accept any liability. Use at your own risk. I did my best to avoid possible trouble, though. No part of this code is meant to cause any harm. WinTex can be freely distributed on INTERNET, PRODIGY, COMPUSERVE, AOL. Concerning CD-ROMs, you'd better ask me for a special (improved) registered version, specially addapted for CD-ROM. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WINTEX BE PUT ON THE MICROSOFT NETWORK. DISTRIBUTION OF WINTEX ON MSN IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, AND IT IS MY ABSOLUTE RIGHT AS AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM TO ASSERT AND LEGALLY ENFORCE THAT RESTRICTION. Where to find the last version of WinTex? Bug corrections and early beta releases are available on my WWW page, . Ordinary versions are uploaded to the DOOM site ftp:/ and to the Compuserve ACTION forum. WinTex can also be found on most sites of the DOOM web, and on AOL. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed features of WinTex - NEW: MUS player for windows, by Vladimir Arnost (QA-Software) - NEW: Lists Texture and Flats used (click on SIDEDEF or SECTOR entries) - 100% graphic user interface, no command lines. - Multiple WAD editing, with cut and paste between WADs (try this with DOS based tools, for a laugh) - Full featured LEVEL browser, with a real intuitive BSP NODE viewer and a graphic REJECT MAP editor (first of it's kind). - Fully automatic TEXTURE editing (Never mind what a PNAMES and TEXTURE1/TEXTURE2 mean, you need not know!) - Fully automatic entry insertion. WinTex places the entries where they shall be, and it isn't an easy task. Never mind! - Edit entries on a double click! WinTex will call your favourite tool (once configured) and hide while you edit. Stop editing, and WinTex comes back. (Not OLE yet, just simulating. OLE is for later). - Automatic generation of INSTALL batch, for your WADs that replace sprites or flats, or that need a DeHacked patch. - All you need to introduce custom SPRITES and FLOORS, directly accessible for the screen. No command line to learn. - Invokes your favourite level editor, your favourite nodebuilder or reject builder. - Reversible WAD editing (You can always discard your last modifications) - and of course, the usual feature of WAD editors... WinTex is an improvement over tools like DeuTex, WinTex 3.41, NWT1.03, WT, DMAUD, DMGRAPH, Wadmaster, DMMUS, DMMIDI, DMADDS, DMAUDWIN... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation of WinTex You need VBRUN300.DLL, because this is partly a Visual Basic tool. Put the files WINTEX.EXE, LBWINTEX.DLL, WINTEX.HLP, DEUSF.EXE in a special direcotry (c:\wintex for instance) and click on WINTEX.EXE. See the help file for the customisation of WinTex. The independent tool CLEANWAD.EXE could also be put in this directory. It is recommended that you also get the following tools: TED12.ZIP TED End screen editor RMB21.ZIP RMB reject map builder WARM14.ZIP Warm reject, node, blockmap builder WINDEU24.ZIP WinDEU windows level editor, good bsp builder ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bug list, and bug corrections WinTex uses Visual Basic and runs under Windows, which are two major to have bugs. Hopefully, the major WinTex 4.0 bugs were killed, thanks to the perspicacity of a few WinTex fan on Internet (and thanks to C!) - The code has been made closer to object oriented paradigm, allowing even more stability. But that can still be improved. - The troubles with the pictures colors are over. Seems that infamous Visual Basic bug has dies. Alas, there is now a flash when moving patches on textures. Some bugs never accept to die. - Now at least you can create textures using new patches. That was a tricky bug, but easy to kill. - The bug that had WinTex copy/paste the wrong entries is corrected. - Various bugs related to WAD handling have been murdered. - If you restore twice a modified file, WinTex will now warn you before you restore more than you would like to. - DeeP.exe can't run properly with WinTex. I don't know why. Probably a problem Window or Borland. Use the .bat file, and trust luck. (I'm trying to fix this, helped by the author of DeeP. No progress). - The bug that causes an error when exiting Windows was not killed. This one is tought: It's a bug of Visual Basic itself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Note: WinTex is more than 12,000 lines of C and around 3,000 lines of Visual Basic (hard to estimate). Most of the code is moving from VB to C, for greater speed and enhanced reliability. All the serious job is done in C, Visual Basic only handles the interface. Visual Basic will be removed from the future versions because it's too limited and cause trouble. A new WinTex version is being coded using YACL, a class library portable to OS2 and X-Windows. YACL is also moving to Win32 soon. If you're a programmer, I'll advise taking a look at YACL on ftp site because ot looks quite powerful, though it tends to make the executables a bit 'fat'.