Meanwood Parish Church Holy Trinity Baptisms 7th October 1849 ~ 1st July 1923 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following sections contain the baptism entries for Meanwood Parish Church (Holy Trinity), for the period 7th October 1849 to 1st July 1923. The entries range from 1 to 3,200. There are some blank entries. However, all records do appear to be intact. All the records have been recorded and indexed. Due to the original records being hand written, some of which were very difficult to decipher, spelling may vary greatly. This should be considered when trying to locate a particular individual. Some alterations have also been made to the format in which the names originally appeared i.e. Ann and Anne. Also with surnames such as Barrett and Barratt. This change was necessary in order for the parents index to function correctly. Also, dialect is another consideration to be made. Names such as `Anna' & `Hannah' could be the same person. Also `Annie' & `Fanny'. With some instances of all of the four names quoted being the same person. The Index and records are divided into four sections:- Individuals Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This being indexed on the Surname and Forename of the person being baptised. It shows the entry number and date of baptism. Further information can be obtained from the Full Details section. Parents Index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This being indexed on the family surname, followed by the father's then mother's forenames. This makes it easier to locate the child(ren) of couples. Again the entry number is quoted. Further information can then be obtained from the Full Details section. Full Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This contains the full details of each entry. If there is further information or the parts of the information would not fit into the space allowed, then the details would appear in the Note section. Further information is only present where a number appears under the notes field. Information can then be obtained by referring to the relevant number in the Notes section. Notes ~~~~~ This contains details such as notes that have been written in the margin of a particular entry or information that was omitted from the Full Details section due to space. Stephen T. Miller 246 West Park Drive West, Roundhay, Leeds, LS8 2BD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional notes by Rosemary Lockie:- The original of this document was in M/S Word v6.0. I have converted it to an ASCII text file, to enable viewing on a wider range of platforms. The data itself was uploaded in .DBF format, which I have converted to CSV - again to reach a wider audience. However, for those who wish to recreate Stephen's .DBF file, the structure is as follows: Structure for database: ~\BAPTISM.DBF Number of data records: 3201 Date of last update : 13/11/95 Field Field Name Type Width Dec Index 1 ENTRY Numeric 7 N 2 DATE Date 8 N 3 DOB Date 8 N 4 FORENAME Character 30 N 5 FATHER Character 30 N 6 MOTHER Character 30 N 7 SURNAME Character 20 N 8 OCCUPATION Character 30 N 9 ADDRESS Character 30 N 10 NOTE Character 254 N 11 NOTE_NOS Numeric 5 N ** Total ** 453 A big "thank you" goes to Stephen for all his hard work. :-) ------------------------------- end of text ------------------------------