SlipKnot Version 1.40 Registration Form. Thank you for deciding to register your copy of SlipKnot. Please fill out this form ON THE SCREEN, and then print it or save it to a file. If paying by credit card, please press the Help button for further information. ================================================== Register to: (your name, not company name)>> Organization name (if any)>> We need your exact email address to be able to send your SlipKnot registration number. Email address>> FAX number (if any, including country code)>> and your postal address, in case we cannot reach you by email, Full postal address>> Payment type (put a mark in the correct box): [ ] Check, Money order, International Postal Order [ ] Credit card -- VISA [ ] Credit card -- MasterCard [ ] Credit card -- American Express Credit card number>> Expiration date>> Name on credit card>> Signature (if sending by mail or FAX)>> Where did you hear about SlipKnot?>> Referred by (name and email address)>> Comments>> ============================================== SlipKnot registration cost is: For North America, Japan & Western Europe: US$29.95 for all users For users OUTSIDE North America, Japan, Western Europe: US$29.95 for commercial users US$20.00 for non-commercial users By check, money order or International Postal Order: Please make payment to: MicroMind, Inc. in U.S. dollars and send to: MicroMind, Inc. 417 W. 120 St., Suite 6B New York, N.Y. 10027 U.S.A. By credit card: Mail to the address above or FAX to: (212) 864-0436 or send via email to: