FixKit 4 -------- Defects fixed with this release: General: 1. Window control DLL would cause failure in SETUP.EXE program for Hilgraeve KopyKat, or any other package that used InstallShield 16 bit installation utility. 2. Close button would not always appear on some applications depending on load order or closing an application while another is loading (OD-010). 3. Fixed problems with PM Applications with 8K stack, such as Back Again/2 Make Service Diskettes Utility (MAKESR.EXE) and OS/2 Warp Create Utility Disks (BOOTDISK.EXE) (OD-006,OD-008). 4. Fixed non-selectable areas in .INF files viewed in VIEWDOC.EXE (VIEW.EXE). 5. Improved boot time on some systems. 6. Fixed conflict with Close button on MDI child windows on Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 and Lotus Freelance Graphics for OS/2 (OD-007). 7. Fixed problem with OS/2 Tutorial application where window would jump to previous position when full window drag is enabled. Final move on button up must allow window adjustment (WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS). (OD-019) Control Center: 1. CPU meter would sometimes "stick" at 0% (it would never start monitoring system input). (OD-CC-007) 2. Context Menus that are invoked via conditional cascade menu (such as Open->Icon View) from an object browser folder fly-out menu will no longer "stick" to the desktop. (OD-CC-010) 3. Locked windows would not match partially by window title fragment as documented (OD-CC-014,OD-CC-016). 4. Top-level windows owner by a locked window would not be identified as a locked window. 5. Window can now be resized to be much narrower vertically. 6. CPU Meter now sleeps more often, resulting in less CPU impact when monitoring system load. (OD-CC-022) 7. Removed small (2-3+ seconds) delay on shutdown of window when CPU Meter was selected. 8. Object now saves section order and locked windows when invoked via Workplace Shell save methods. 9. Fly out menus will no longer obscure the object browser button the menu was invoked from when the Control Center is oriented at the left half of the screen. (OD-CC-023) 10. Arranging Control Center sections when only browse objects are present without text will now flow browse sections properly. (OD-CC-021) Tab LaunchPad: 1. Corrected inability to drop objects from Tab LaunchPad onto another object within tab. Problem introduced with object rearrange capability in FixKit #3. 2. Clicking on a task button corresponding to a fullscreen session would no switch to fullscreen session. 3. Hint positioning on buttons near top of the screen when in tabs on bottom or tabs on top mode will no longer result in hint appearing slightly off-screen. (OD-TLP-001). 4. When hint is active, you may now invoke a context menu on a button, or activate the button (clicking the button works as expected). (OD-TLP-008) 5. Clicking on a task button on the Task tab when the button is near the top or right edge of the screen will no longer result in the menu appearing off-screen. (OD-TLP-018) 6. Task button icons now reflect dynamic changes to task window icon; previously text was inspected but not icon. (OD-TLP-019) Task Manager: 1. Fixed problem with Task Manager showing up sporadically, and not showing up for some programs. Enhanced Folder: 1. Invoking a context menu via keyboard (usually set to Shift-F10) previously would only open the folder's context menu when folder enhancements were enabled. 2. Now supplies setup data to save query. 3. Icon replacements can now be 24bit without distorting the small 20x20 icon or 16x16 icon. 4. When shift key is held down and a browse folder is clicked on, then allow message to pass through (OD-013). Enhanced Data File. 1. Icon replacements can now be 24bit without distorting the small 20x20 icon or 16x16 icon. 2. Word wrap state is now saved (OD-EDF-003). 3. Font is now properly saved between sessions (OD-EDF-002) Object Navigator: 1. Creating a folder with Warp Connect will no longer cause the title of the folder to default to the title of the replacement peer class ("LAN Server Peer Directory"). (OD-ON-009) 2. Creating a folder will now display properly in the contents pane. (OD-ON-010) 3. An internal trap could occur if a non-disk object appeared in the OS/2 drives folder, resulting in the tree pane display showing blank or showing just the Object Navigator icon. Installation: 1. Fixed problem registering classes when '.' is absent from the LIBPATH (fixed on Warp only; 2.11 systems must add '.' to LIBPATH if not already present). (OD-038) FixKit 3 -------- Defects fixed with this release: General: 1. IBM Search Manager/2 product would not display contents of search folder results with Object Desktop installed. 2. Performance has been improved in icon cache lookup, resulting in better response times with HyperDrive feature of Enhanced Folder and Object Navigator, and for displaying icons in the Object Archives objects. 3. HyperDrive now uses proper icon for Workplace Shell data file subclass instances with a custom default class icon. 4. Dragging non Workplace Shell objects from some applications (such as WebExplorer) onto Object Desktop object's view windows could cause an internal but non-fatal trap. Affected objects are: Object Archive, Keyboard LaunchPad, Object Navigator (Fast Path), Control Center, and Tab LaunchPad. 5. OS/2 Warp Create Utility Disks program (BOOTDISK.EXE) would fail before formatting floppy when Object Desktop is installed. 6. Seamless Windows applications now display proper icon in the Tab LaunchPad Tasks tab, the Control Center, and the Task Manager Enhanced Window List and Alt+Tab Task Switcher. 7. Switching to a minimized folder from the Task Manager, the Tasks Tab of the Tab LaunchPad or from the Keyboard LaunchPad would not cause the minimized folder to be viewed. Task Manager: 8. Selecting multiple items with Ctrl+ mouse selection in Window List with Enhanced Task Manager turned on would previously not select items completely. 9. Window List would not always appear when invoked via Ctrl+Esc from PM application windows that did not have a Task List item set for the top-level window. 10. Performance improvement for displaying of task list. Object Archive: 11. Elements displayed in subcomponents (subfolders) of an Object Archive were not always selectable. 12. If multiple object archives were open with contained elements viewed and one archive was closed (of the same type), objects could remain cross-hatched in the remaining object archive views. 13. Window position was previously stored for each archive view but not properly restored at all times. 14. Deleting an object archive while a view of the archive was currently open would cause a condition where a background worker thread would never shut down. Keyboard LaunchPad: 15. The Keyboard LaunchPad window initialization code is now on a thread to keep the user interface from hanging while opening the definitions view. Object Navigator: 16. A trap would occur in the Object Navigator if non-disk objects were created/moved in the Drives object folder. 17. The Object Navigator is no longer a target object listed in the Workplace Shell Copy/Move/Create Shadow/Create Another dialogs. Instead, the folder currently displayed in the view is listed in the target dialogs. 18. A slight offset of the current folder displayed in the tree view of the Object Navigator has been corrected when system is running in 1024x768 resolution or greater. 19. Performance improvement displaying folder contents. Control Center: 20. The Control Center displays drives over 1 Gig now as a fraction of the size (eg. 3.5G). (OD-CC-006) 21. Optimized repaints of virtual desktop to minimize system cycles taken. When window activation is detected, a 1/2 second delay is used to keep from taking CPU away from seamless windows applications that startup and use multimedia on startup. 22. Network drives and other drive types can now be added as sections even when they are not available. 23. Changed Control Center default priority (used during installation) to match documentation (default=Normal). 24. Dropping multiple objects onto a browser object inside the Control Center when in accept drop mode would cause multiple drop events to occur. This caused multiple confirmation dialogs to appear for dropping objects onto the shredder, for example. 25. Dropping multiple objects onto a virtual desktop pane inside the Control Center would not open all objects, just the first one. 26. The Control Center is no longer a target object listed in the Workplace Shell Copy/Move/Create Shadow/Create Another dialogs. Tab LaunchPad: 27. The Tab LaunchPad icons may now be rearranged using drag/drop operations within the top-level tab as per documentation. 28. Tab LaunchPad would previously not respect task list filter set by Object Desktop Task Manager. 29. Tab LaunchPad could trap internally during bootup when a large number of objects were restarted by the shell, possibly causing a system hang. 30. At times during startup, the Tab LaunchPad would show icons displayed 1/2 off vertically. 31. The Tab LaunchPad is no longer a target object listed in the Workplace Shell Copy/Move/Create Shadow/Create Another dialogs. 32. Task buttons within the Tab LaunchPad now display context menus corresponding to which window controls are available (ie. Move,Size,Close,etc.) FixKit 2 -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Possible window deadlock could occur causing system instability during paint thread in Control Center with some seamless windows applications. 2. HyperCache thread priority boosted to eliminate possible boot problems. 3. IBM Tutorial window corruption occurred. 4. Conflict resolved with other Workplace Shell products that necessitated installing either/or products due to some features missing with Object Desktop. Examples: Deskman/2, Workplace Security. 5. Object Archives would show the wrong icon for contained objects when the temporary folder (set by "SET TMP=, SET TEMP=, or the folder") for a system has an open view on the desktop. 6. When using marquee selection (drawing a box on the background to select objects) on an Enhanced Folder, drawing corruption would occur on the edges of "raised" or "sunken" view styles. 7. Installation utility (not included with FixKit) has been updated to fix selective Uninstall defect where all objects were disabled after subsequent reboot. 8. Level of code should set to v1.01 in Help->About. 9. Tab LaunchPad object title hints will no longer move (usability defect). FixKit 1 -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Seamless Windows dialogs no longer have title bar corruption when moved. 2. Setting default icon of a folder to point to a folder inside the OS/2 templates folder will no longer cause the desktop to appear as a "folder" window. 3. Control Center hangs with Windows seamless sessions have been resolved. 4. Control Center can now monitor remove and removeable drives. 5. Control Center will not "shift" all windows from one virtual desktop to another when switching desktops (was sporadic). 6. Contol Center would try to retrieve some windows that had a very small size (<= 10x10), when these are really "hidden" windows. FixKit 0 -------- Defects fixed with this release: 1. Stack overflow (SYS3171) in OBJDWCTL.DLL has been fixed.