OOGrid Library(TM) v1.16 for Borland/Turbo Pascal (Real Mode/TV) Release date 95/01/06 Copyright (C) 1994 - 1996 by Arturo J. Monge Portions Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 by Borland International, Inc. REVISION HISTORY SOURCE CODE ----------- v1.15 11/27/95 - Modified ColToString function (TCUTIL.PAS) to prevent errors when the column given is 0 - Fixed TSpreadSheet.Load so that it sets Modified to False v1.14 09/13/95 - Fixed bugs that prevented the objects to work correctly in protected mode v1.13 08/07/95 - Changed the palette of the spreadsheet to use separate palette entries for the input line - Fixed problem with TSpreadSheet.DisplayCellData (did not draw completely the cell data line) - Changed the function of the end key: instead of moving the cursor to the absolute last position, it moves the cursor to the row following the last row with data (if moving down), or to the last column with data (if moving right) v1.12 07/28/95 - Fixed bug when displaying the cursor in a partial column. - Added TSpreadsheet.FastAddCell method - Fixed bugs in TWindowListDialog object - Added the string sDisposingObject to the string list - Added the displaying of the sDisposingObject string in TSpreadsheet.Done v1.11 06/05/95 - Added support for the compiler directive 'NoCoprocessor' used to compile the library without support for the IEEE floating point real types. v1.1 06/02/95 Changes: - Added the ability to display incomplete columns - Eliminated TSpreadsheet.DisplayBlankArea - Moved some code from TSpreadsheet InsertXXXX/DeleteXXXX methods, to the InsertXXXXto/DeleteXXXXfrom methods, to make the latter more independant (so that they can be used also by other methods) - Changed the name of TSpreadsheet.GetFormat to TSpreadsheet.FormatCells - Several methods in TSpreadsheet were split into two new methods, for additional flexibility: . ChangeColWidth into ChangeColWidth & ChangeWidth . ChangeColHeader into ChangeColHeader & ChangeHeader . GoToCell into GoToCell & GoToPos . FormatCells into FormatCells & SetFormat - Changed the name of TSpreadsheet.DoAfterEndInput to DoAfterAddingCell - Added TSpreadsheet.DoBeforeAddingCell method - Added TSpreadsheet.SetAvailableCommands method - Added the displaying of a 'Modified' character in the info area, when the spreadsheet has been modified - Added a DisplayEnabled constant that indicates if the spreadsheet is allowed to display itself. This is usefull when loading a spreadsheet just to retrieve the data and you don't want it to be displayed at all - Eliminated TSpreadsheet.Number and TSpreadsheet.SetNumber and added the method TSpreadsheet.GetNumber - Added list of history id constants (hiXXXX) to GLEQUATES.PAS and updated GLTVR_US.PAS and GLTVR_SP.PAS to use the new constants in THistory Init methods - Added two new units: GLBUILD.PAS and GLTVR_SP.PAS Problems fixed: - Fixed error in scrollbar handling. - Added checking of the existence of scrollbars in TSpreadsheet.Init method. This was not done, causing an error when TSpreadsheet was initiated without one or both scrollbars. - Fixed error with cursor tracking (if the cursor was not in screen and data was entered, the screen was not moved to the position of the cursor). - Added missing calls to TSpreadsheet.SetChanged method - Fixed problem with the End status in MoveXXXX methods - Changed sDisplayNamesLetter to sDisplayHeadersLetter in GLEQUATES.PAS (GLEquates was not using the correct constant) Demo Program: - Changed the use of the compiler directive DEFTP60 to VER60 - Added the checking of the validity of a new spreadsheet before inserting it in the application - Added the disposing of the stream used when an error ocurred while loading a spreadsheet. This was causing a memory leak. v1.0 12/29/94 - Initial release of OOGrid Library(TM) DOCUMENTATION ------------- v1.16 95/01/04 - Added information about mailing list v1.15 11/27/95 Corrections: - The author's e-mail address is no longer mongev@cariari.ucr.ac.cr It has changed to mongev@fseie.eie.ucr.ac.cr (pg. 1) v1.1 06/02/95 The file MANUAL.TXT in version 1.1 is the same as the file MANUAL.TXT in version 1.0. The following are corrections to the documentation and additions that are not included in MANUAL.TXT. Corrections: - The author's e-mail address is no longer mongev@cariari.ucr.ac.cr It has changed to mongev@ns.fing.ucr.ac.cr (pg. 1) - RepeatTextChar should be RepeatFirstChar (pg. 38) - TSpreadsheet.DoAfterEndInput should be TSpreadsheet.DoAfterAddingCell (pg. 147) - Missing documentation of TSpreadsheet.InsertColToHash (pg. 158): Declaration procedure InsertColToHash(Block: TBlock; Cols, StartInsCol: Word; var Deleted: Boolean); virtual, Unit GLTSHEET.PAS Description Inserts a col or block of columns in the spreadsheet's hash tables. Parameters' description Block: the block of cells that will be deleted (if any); this block will always be the block of cells that are located in the last columns of the spreadsheet and that get pushed out when one or more columns are inserted. Cols: the number of columns that will be inserted StartInsCol: the column number where the new columns will be inserted Deleted: after a call to this procedure, this parameter will contain a boolean value indicating if any cells were deleted from the spreadsheet - TSpreadsheet.GetFormat should be TSpreadsheet.FormatCells (pg. 154) - In the description of the unit GLTVR_US.PAS should be indicated that GLTVR_SP.PAS is the spanish version of GLTVR_US.PAS (pg. 5) Additions: - The following new methods, fields and constants have been added to the some of the objects in OOGrid Library(TM). However, these new methods and fields are not documented here, but in the source code directly, in the form of comments. .TSpreadsheet.ChangeWidth .TSpreadsheet.ChangeHeader .TSpreadsheet.DoBeforeAddingCell .TSpreadsheet.GetNumber .TSpreadsheet.GoToPos .TSpreadsheet.SetFormat .TSpreadsheet.SetAvailableCommands .const DisplayEnabled - Description of GLBUILD.PAS: This unit lists in the USES clause all the units that are part of OOGrid Library(TM) and can be used when recompiling all the units in the library. - Description of the history ID constants (in GLEQUATES.PAS): The hiXXXX constants are used in the units GLTVR_US.PAS and GLTVR_SP.PAS. They are included to allow easy costumization of history numbers in the library. To modify the value of these constants, you must change the value of the InitHistoryId constant (the default value is 100).