VB Servants 3.0 for Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 - Shareware version ======================================================================= Learning Freedom 10 Birdwood Ave Springwood 2777 Australia Phone: +61-47-54-3266 Fas: +61-47-51-5946 Email: ianbarns@zeta.org.au Dear Shareware BBS SYSOP/Vendor: You may distribute "VB Servants 3.0" or place it on a Bulletin Board System as long you (1) clearly identify the software as a shareware product that requires payment of a registration fee if it is used after the evaluation period, and (2) you distribute this software in its complete original form: * This program may be freely distributed as long as all the following original files are included in one directory or zip file: file_id.diz vbs3shr.exe vbs3shr.hlp vbsrvnts.ini ausorder.txt readme.txt register.txt usorder.txt vendor.txt threed.vbx * This program also requires vbrun300.dll, commdlg.dll, and cmdialog.vbx installed in order to run. If you have Visual Basic 3.0 you will have these files. Learning Freedom reserves the right to deny distribution rights to any vendor, BBS, or other distributors. Suggested program categories are: Programming, Visual Basic, or Windows. Suggested search Keywords: VB, Visual Basic If you have any questions or comments about this software, please contact me. Thank you. Ian Barnes Learning Freedom =======================================================================