=========================================== Registration form for NoQuit 1.00 Shareware =========================================== Company Name: (or Name:)__________________________________________________________ (Note: Please print your name exactly as you would like it to appear in your registration data file. Maximum of 30 characters.) Address:_____________________________ City:________________________ _____________________________________ Postal Code:_________________ _____________________________________ Country:_____________________ EMail:_______________________________ Date:________________________ Where did you get NoQuit 1.00?______________________________________ Would you like to be informed of future upgrades of NoQuit? Yes/No Please print this form and send your payment in cash or international demand draft (payable to CHIAM YIH WEI) to: FOONG CHEONG YONG 1, JLN LANG PERUT PUTIH 10, KEPONG BARU, 52100 KL, MALAYSIA. Internet EMail: peter-chiam@mailhost.net Please allow at least 4 weeks for the delivery of your Registration Number and instructions on how to get rid of the "reminder screens" of NoQuit 1.0 if you are not living in South East Asia. Thank you for registering! ===================================================================== Payment Rates: (Please mark with X the rate applicable) ___ Individual users: US$7 each machine. Site Licensing: (Up to 80% discounts for multi-terminal systems!) (Available for sites with more than 5 machines inclusive) ___ Up to 10 machines: US$5 each machine. ___ 11 to 20 machines: US$60 flat charge. ___ 21 to 40 machines: US$75 flat charge. ___ 41 to 70 machines: US$100 flat charge. ___ 71 to 99 machines: US$150 flat charge. ___ Over 100 machines: US$200 flat charge.