RestEasy Security 1.0--README file Copyright (c) 1996 by Nathan Bryant. All rights reserved. Please read the accompanying file LICENSE.TXT. It contains important licensing information that you should read and understand before using this software. This software is distributed as shareware. If you use it for more than 30 days, you must send the $15 registration fee to: Nathan Bryant 272 New Meadows Rd. West Bath, ME 04530 ************************* Getting Started ************************** To set up RestEasy Security, copy the files RESTEASY.EXE and BWCC.DLL to your Windows directory. Create an icon for the RestEasy in the Program Manager: go to the File menu, select New, select Program Item. In the Description box, type "RestEasy Security." In the Command Line box, type "resteasy." (Without the quotes of course.) Click OK. Double click on the program icon you just created. You will be prompted with a password box. Leave the box blank and click OK. You will now be presented with a preferences dialog box. You will be presented with several options for restricting access to Program Manager commands. The "Editing" options specify levels of restriction on how much changes are allowed to program groups and icons. The options range from "No restrictions" to "Can't do anything." The "Other" options specify other restrictions: you can choose to prevent the user from exiting Windows, block access to the Run command, prevent Program Manager from saving settings, or remove the File menu completely. The Change Password button brings up a dialog box which allows you to choose a new password for RestEasy. You will be required to type your password twice in order to make sure it is correct. ************************ Restricting Access to Specific Programs *********** RestEasy allows you to password-protect specific programs. Select the program icon which you would like to password-protect, go to the File menu, and select Properties. In the Command Line edit box, insert the word "resteasy," followed by a space, at the beginning of the command line. ******************* NOTE *************************** It should be noted that experienced Windows users can bypass RestEasy by editing certain files in the Windows directory with a word processor or text editor. For this reason, you should block access to Notepad, Write, the File Manager, and any word processors or other programs that could be used to edit these files. You should also block access to DOS by adding the WIN command to you AUTOEXEC.BAT file and inserting SWITCHES=/F into your CONFIG.SYS file. This prevents the 1-second delay at the "Starting MS-DOS" prompt so the user can't bypass the autoexec.bat file. This only applies to MS-DOS version 6.0 or higher. ************ Using RestEasy with Windows 95 *************** RestEasy can be used with Windows 95 by changing the SHELL=Explorer.exe line in the SYSTEM.INI file to read SHELL=progman.exe. Also, since the Windows 95 Task Manager includes a Run command, you should replace TASKMAN.EXE with the TASKMAN.EXE from Windows 3.1. I hope you're happy with RestEasy Security. If you any questions or comments, please feel free to drop me a letter. -Nathan