Greetings to all Yes fans young and old....and if you aren't a fan....what are you waiting for???!!! You have been missing out on one of the truly remarkable bands ever. Anyway..... Here you will find the YES Windows95 Desktop Theme. To get it working properly do the following: 1) Own Windows '95 and the Windows '95 Plus! Pack. :) (Now that we have that one out of the way...) 2) Create a subdirectory in \Program Files\Plus!\Themes called Yes 3) Using the newest version of Winzip (or any unzipping program that supports long file names) unzip the file into the new directory you have created: \Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Yes 4) Go to the control panel and choose Themes. 5) Select the Yes Theme and choose apply. 6) Enjoy!!! Anyway I hope that everyone enjoys this. I had a lot of fun designing this. Anyway I welcome any comments or suggestions. Dave Markfield