Version Twenty Seven, Archive Comparison Table [30 December 1995] [ACT\QUESTION.TXT] This is a questionaire about my Archive Comparison Table. I would be grateful if you could fill it in and mail it to me. This is not compulsory, but it would be helpful if you could fill this in at least once, but preferably every time you get a copy of this Archive Comparison Table. If you fill this in on a regular basis, all you need to do is answer questions 1, 2, and 3. But if you want to answer all of the questions, please do. Thanks Jonathan Please email to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01) Where did you obtain this copy of the Archive Comparison Table? ...................... [ ] .......................... [ ] ............... [ ] 1:107/, ACT .................................... [ ] OTHER (please state) .. [ ] 02) On what date did you download this Archive Comparison Table? (Please use the following format, DDMMYY) ..................... [ ] 03) What version did you download? ................................ [27] 04) On a scale of 1 to 10, how informative did you find the Archive Comparison Table? ............................................. [ ] 05) On a scale of 1 to 10, how good was the layout in the Archive Comparison Table? ............................................. [ ] 06) How long (in months) have you been referring to the Archive Comparison Table?.............................................. [ ] 07) Am I wasting mine and your time by producing yet another Archive Comparison Table? (Y/N) .............................. [ ] 08) Should I carry on with this Archive Comparison Table? (Y/N) .. [ ] 09) Do you work for any company that produces an archiver which is listed or not listed within this Archive Comparison Table, and if so do you use it for comparisons with your competitors? 10) What improvements do you think I could make? 11) Were there any errors/mistakes in this version? 12) Other comments.