Registration Magician! ---------------------- Version 1.0 ------------- I N S T A L L I N F O R M A T I O N ---------------------------------------- Last updated: December 1995 Splitting An Archived Version Of Registration Magician! ------------------------------------------------------- If you downloaded the Registration Magician! .ZIP file, you will notice it is larger than one 1.44 meg diskette. You may copy the unarchived files to diskette in one of two different ways: 1.) Obtain a diskette formatter that formats at sizes larger than 1.44 meg. An example is the WinImage program by Gilles Vollant. Once you have formatted a diskette for a size greater than 1.44 Meg (such as 1.72 Meg), copy all of the files to the diskette. 2.) Split the files over two diskettes (a 1.44 Meg and 720 K diskette or two 1.44 Meg diskettes) For the unregistered version of Registration Magician!: - Copy all files but the REGMAG.HL_ file to one diskette. - Copy the REGMAG.HL_ file to the second diskette. Installation ------------ 1.) Place the diskette into the appropriate diskette drive. 2.) Run the SETUP.EXE program located on the diskette. 3.) If you are running Windows 3.1, you should run the SHARE.EXE program from within your AUTOEXEC.BAT program before you start Windows. This aids Windows in manipulating your database files properly. You do not need this program if you are running Windows 3.11 For Workgroups, Windows NT 3.5x, or Windws 95. There is a version of SHARE.EXE included with Registration Magician! and installed in your Windows SYSTEM directory. If this vesion does not work, check your DOS subdirectory. You should find SHARE.EXE there. 4.) If you are going to use the sample program (SAMPLE.EXE), you should copy the SWREG.INI file to the Windows subdirectory. 5.) You may wish to move the help file (REGMAG.HLP) to the Windows subdirectory. 6.) If this is the registered version, you may wish to copy the sample program files (FRMSAMPL.FRM, SAMPLE.ICO, and SAMPLE.BAS) to their own directory. 7.) If this is the registeed version, you may wish to move the Tutorial help file (REGTUTR.HLP) to the Windows subdirectory. 8.) If this is an unregistered version of Registration Magician!, fill out REGISTER.FRM and mail with the appropriate funds to the author.