8 files found in Library "Bible / Religious"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ACTS410.ZIP No 257681 01-15-96
ACTS OF APOSTLES Bible EGA atlas/quiz/text A
graphic interactive Bible atlas and quiz
based on the New Testament book of Acts.
Visually follow the journeys of the first
century apostles as you read each chapter on
your screen. Maps can be printed out.
Quizzes are available to test one's
knowledge as you progress. An excellent
learning tool for serious Bible students.
Version 4.1
GODCAL70.ZIP Yes 201799 12-17-95 Calculates Biblical lunisolar calendar
KJQ.ZIP Yes 147355 12-01-95
KING JAMES QUEST V3.3 \- A ega graphic text
game. Requires 512k of ram and ega monitor
This is a non-fictional text adventure game
The player plays the role of Moses, Joshua
Jesus and more ! Objects are found and they
must be used like they were in bible times
Do you have the courage of Moses ? or, how
about being there at the ressurection
Randall Alaimo, member ASP
LAMP0296.ZIP Yes 208125 02-15-96 Lamp 02/96 issue, christian newsletter
PDMEMB3J.ZIP Yes 485261 11-15-95
ProDev*MEMBER v3.0j Church Membership
system program and documentation. Tracks
everything about anyone involved with the
church giving & attendance. Many label runs
and reports. Best buy at $55
PROVERBS.ZIP Yes 21947 12-07-95 The Bible's book of PROVERBS
SHRINES.ZIP Yes 15114 01-12-96
This brochure was compiled by Mark Joseph
Zia, Sysop of the Road to Heaven BBS. It
contains one-hundred shrines in Europe of
interest to Christians, especially to
Catholics. Contents include shrines bearing
the relics of the Passion of Christ,
Churches containing the still incorrupt and
visible bodies of saints, Churches
containing Eucharistic Miracles, shrines of
popular saints etc. *IN WORDPERFECT 6.1