Descriptions of the six Windows Bitmap files: Screen1.bmp This is the first screen that will appear. Screen2.bmp This screen is the SysOp's main menu. Only the SysOp and anyone else with the SysOp's security can see this screen. Screen3.bmp After a normal user enters the program after the Screen1.bmp screen they will come to this screen. There may be an intro screen first, but that is up to the SysOp. From this screen you can use the up and down arrows to select the teacher you want and press enter. Screen4.bmp If you have defined an intro screen for the teachers in the homework.cfg file this screen will appear. You can change it to anything you want to. Screen5.bmp This is the screen that shows the homework for the teacher. The program will auto detect the 'Homework for:', 'Last updated:' and the 'Subject:'. That was now so in v1.0 and I thought it would be easier for you to have the computer do it for you. The text in the blue and dark green can be any of 22 different colors. Screen6.bmp This is where you can add one line to all of your files. It makes it easier for letting everone know there is no homework over a vacation or the weekend. If there are teacher's with homework over the weekend all you have to do is go and change just their files instead of everyones.