Macintosh Servers

WebSTAR is an "industrial-strength" commercial World Wide Web server from StarNine, Inc. (URL is <URL:> ).
MacHTTP (URL is <URL:> ) is a freely available web server for the Macintosh. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions posting dedicated to MacHTTP: <URL:>
Mac Common Lisp Server
A server written in Mac Common Lisp (URL is <URL:> ) is now available. The Mac Common Lisp server supports extension of the server with object-oriented Lisp code and is freely available, including source.
http4mac is a simple, free web server for the Macintosh. <URL:>
FTPd is a very inexpensive package for the Macintosh that is capable of serving three protocols: FTP, HTTP, and gopher. <URL:>
InterServer Publisher
<URL:>, is a commercial web, FTP, and gopher server for the Macintosh. It emphasizes ease of configuration but also supports configuration through AppleScript. The server also offers a server-side HTML extension which supports hit counters, image maps, and directory listings as standard features. A 30-day demo is available by anonymous ftp from in the /intercon/sales/Mac/Demo_Software/ directory.

World Wide Web FAQ