To play this football game, type fball at the command line prompt and press enter. The first time that you run fball it will create several files all of which will have a FLS extension. You can edit the team&qbs.fls file to change any team name or default quarterback name. If any of the files get messed up you can delete them all and run fball again. This will re-create the files in their original state. It will also restart your season. There are some built in speech delays such as in the snap count. Depending on the speed setting of your speech synthesizer you may want to change the timing of these. You can do so from the command line such as fball 10 10 does happen to be the default setting. fball 0 will have no delay and fball 20 will be very slow. If you want to experiment, try a number between 0 and 20 If the game doesn't seem to work right, you may need to add a line such as device=ansi.sys to your config.sys file. If you have any trouble, a comment or a question about the programs, my internet address is and I also regularly monitor Blind Talk and Blink Talk in the Fidonet conference. Or you may write or call. Jim Kitchen 385 Center Street Apt. 13 Chardon, Ohio 44024 (216) 286-6920