UH-1c Huey Gunship and UH-1c Huey Rescue Helicopter Dec 10,1995 Created and copywrite by Vic Palermo CIS 70632,752 Version 1 for FS5.1 This zip files contains the files for the UH-1c Huey Gunship, used as a fire support aircraft in Vietnam. The Huey is still used today by some units, and is very commonly used by Third World countries for the Anti insurgency, and anti guerilla role. The bird modeled here is in the colours of the 227th AHB 1st Cavalry Division, Delta Company, at Bong Son AO, 1967. You can now put on your copy of Wagner's Flight of the Valkyries and go screeming along at 120kts at 100 ft bobing up and down over obsticals like the buildings around meigs while terrorizing the citizens of Chicago. Have fun. If you want to land on buildings... shut off the crash detect. You can hit a building with 0 kts and still crash... this is an FS5.1 problem. I know that making a helo sim with Flight simulator is challenging. This sim is pretty close to the flight parameters of the Huey and will fly in control down to 28 kts. It lands at 26 to 30 kts; to FS this is like standing still. As with my other helo sims, the flaps are used to simulate the collective. To take off, put on full flaps. Trim the nose down one notch. If your joy- stick has buttons, hold down to put on brakes, and increase throttle to full. At 100% power, release brakes. When the brakes come off, the helo will move forward slightly. Pull back on the stick, and you should begin to rise. You can take off with the spoilers on but it will require a lot of power and it will be a slow climb. You can continue with full power while climbing or you have the choice of doing it the Air Cav way, that is to accelerate forward. To do this is straight forward (pun intended). When you reach a comfortable altitude (I do it at 25 ft, but practice at high altitudes at first), reduce flaps by one notch and push the stick forward slightly. In outside views, you will see the nose drop and tail lift as the helo accelerates forword. You can continue to reduce flaps until they are full up. At this point the helo will be at 80 kts or so. You can continue to accelerate up to the helos top speed of 138 kts. You can trim and adjust power for almost any speed. Use the flaps for mid speeds, between 60 to 90 kts. For example, 80 kts is easily maintained with first position flaps and the right power setting. You will find that just like a real helo, you will have to learn to adjust the throttle a lot. To land, you must do the reverse. As you pull off power, the helo will slow down. Trim down the nose, and apply flaps at intervals until you are at 50 to 60 kts, do not apply full flaps yet. You should be reducing altitude as well. Try to arrive at about 200 ft agl near your landing target (go around if you are too close), and within a quarter mile. As you get closer, you will have to adjust power to maintain height or decent rate. To really slow down and get into "hover" mode, trim nose slightly up, and hit the spoilers and adjust power up. You should slow down well below 40 kts. Hit full flaps and adjust power to decend onto you target. When you land release the spoilers, and reduce power. It will take a little practice, but it does work. As always, please, any comments would be welcomed. Files encluded are: Huey.txt - This file UH-1C.air - The Air Cav's Huey gunship files to put into your FS Pilots dirctory. UH-1C.0af - The files to put into your FS Texture Directory. Note: FS5.1 is needed to fly this aircraft. Any response would be welcomed. I may send the .afa file if so requested by internet e-mail. ciao and enjoy. Thanks to test pilot Dixon Mak for his always useful suggestions. \ / Vic "Kingsnake" Palermo \ / (n) E-mail: Vic.palermo@deepcove.com X-----====(.o.)====-----X or Palermov@mailhost.pac.dfo.ca XX +++ XX "Sting of the Hornet" Distribution Information: ========================= This model is copywrite by the author and therefore it may not be sold as part of any shareware or freeware collection without the expressed written permision of the author. It may be distributed freely on Bulletin Boards and on-line electronic services, as long as no charge is made for this file other than normal connect charges or subscription charges to the service and this Huey.txt file is not altered in any way.