The Battle for Nhpum Ga Ridge, Burma, March 28, 1944, between the Japanese 18th Division, 56th Infantry Regiment, and two combat teams of the 5307th Compsite Unit (Provisional), better known as "Merrill's Marauders" by the press. CT "Blue" and CT "Green" commanded by Lt.Col. George A. McGee, held a defensive position on the flank of the Chinese 1st Provisional Tank Group commanded by Col. Rothwell H. Brown. The battle on a tree-clad rocky ridge held a key position in the way of the Japanese counter-offensive launched in response to the Allies attempt to clear the Hukawng and Moguang valleys so a road could be build between Ledo and Myitkyina and supplies wouldn't have to be flown over the "Hump" of the Eastern Himalayas. The Japanese failed to dislodge the Marauders in the real battle. As Japanese commander try to do what the real Japanese commander did not do. Keith Heitmann,