Files Here In The Gif Association - PACKAGE 3 --------------------------------------------- Group Information Files ----------------------- TGAAD.GIF - Where to call to become a member of The GIF Association TGALOGO3.GIF - Our LOGO number 3 (From third package (this one)) TGANOTIC.GIF - Our NOTICE TGA-SIGS.GIF - Our signatures, or representations of thereof there in there TGAFILES.TXT - This document TGAHOME.TXT - Where to call to become a member of The GIF Association TGAMEMBE.TXT - Membership listing TGARULES.TXT - Rules of The GIF Association Pictures By Anthony Cucchiara ----------------------------- BOC-TAM.GIF - Copy of the back cover from The Blue Oyster Cult album "Tyranny And Mutation". Fonts hand-drawn. INTOTHEL.GIF - Entitled "Into The Light", this is a dragon flying into the light of it's death.(sorry that is so I'm not:) KILLERWO.GIF - Killer Metal Worms From Mars! Former pets Of the King Of Mars, Fred Norris. Look as they streak towards you in a hungry frenzy! NECEVIL.GIF - A picture I made concerning an unpublished book I wrote called "Necessary Evil". I made one scene from the book into a silhouette that I incorporated into the pic. 640x480 RADAR.GIF - Radar images from the Starship Necessary Evil probing the mysterious and perplexing images of the Macraba red tunnel manifestations! SUNDAY.GIF - Would have been known as "FACE-015.GIF" but I changed my mind at the very last moment and called it SUNDAY instead because it took me all Sunday evening to do this in 640x480 in DeluxePaint 2 Enhanced. Okay? Pictures By Mollie Carson-Vollath --------------------------------- M-FRAC01.gif - A nice colour map for a basic-type fractal M-SPLURT.gif - My lava lamp erupts! M-WAVERS.gif - Sort of a cross between clouds and waves Pictures by Yong Kim -------------------- Pictures by Timothy Jaw ----------------------- RANGERS.GIF - The Rangers hockey team logo. The artists reserve all rights to the pictures in this package. None of these graphics may be used in a commercial setting or reproduced in any way without the express written permission from the artists.