sub-title=Distribution 0. DISKED is Freeware and always will be Freeware. 1. The DISKED executable can be distributed by anyone, by any means, to anyone, anywhere, except to Shareware-for-profit organizations (with the exception of For-profit BBS's that supply DISKED in a free file area). 2. Anyone can use DISKED unless you are a slick-PC-magazine-columnist whose picture appears in print. 3. If you paid for DISKED (see exception below) you have contributed to the wealth of someone who has nothing to do with this program. 4. The C Users' Group (CUG) is the sole organization that has the right to charge money for DISKED (its source and executable in one disk package for, as of 1994, $4.00US or as part of their CD collection). 5. I would like to here from anyone who has thoughts on this subject. Please write to me at any of the addresses below.