CCM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ----------------------------- I have included this information so that you will know EXACTLY what is being put on your system , and what files are being changed. There is nothing I hate worse than software that spreads itself across half my disk drive, and does not tell me what it has done. Installation of this software is handled by Stirling's InstallShield SDK installer. You should expand the ZIP file into a temporary directory, then run SETUP.EXE to install the software. When the ZIP file is expanded, the following files will be present in the temporary directory: _SETUP.DLL SETUP2.DLL SETUP.EXE UNINST. EXE _ISDEL.EXE _INST32I.EX_ DISK1.ID SETUP.INS SETUP.ISS _SETUP.LIB SETUP.PKG DATA.Z README.TXT and will require approximately 840kb of disk space. They can all be deleted once the installation is complete. The installation will install the following files in the directory that you choose for the software: CCM30.EXE 281,600 bytes 17-DEC-95 00:00am CCM30.HLP 149,602 bytes 17-DEC-95 00:00am README.WRI 22,784 bytes 17-DEC-95 00:00am SURVEY.TXT 3,073 bytes 17-DEC-95 00:00am DEISL1.ISU size varies Current date and time Additionally, the shared System file CTL3D32.DLL is included. It is the latest version of this file that I know of, and can be used to replace your current CTL3D32.DLL file if you allow it during the installation. The current version that you have will be compared to the new version, and if the new version is newer, you will be given the option of replacing the file or not. The installation routine will also put a copy of UNINST.EXE in your Windows directory. This is done automatically by the installation program, and neither you nor I have any control over it. The installation routine will also add two keys to your registration database in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key. They are: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Scott Craig\CCM\3.x\LocalPath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CCM30 The first one is used only to determine the path into which you installed CCM so that the next time you update the software, the current directory can automatically be located. You can delete the entire "Scott Craig" key if you want to, it will not affect the operation of the timer in any way. The only thing it will do is cause you to have to specify the desired directory the next time you install CCM. The second is used only by the setup and uninstaller, and may be removed if desired, however you will not be able to automatically uninstall CCM if you do. The installation routine will create a program group named "Connect Monitor" by default, or something else if you choose to change it. This group will contain shortcuts to all the sections of the program. During the installation, you may receive a message that "MFC30.DLL exists on your system". This executable was compiled as a standalone application, however it can also be compiled to use the functions within the runtime library MFC30.DLL. If you already have MFC30.DLL on your system, it contains many of the functions that are compiled into the standalone executable. You could save about 140kb of disk space by using the "Shared" version of CCM30.EXE in place of the standalone version. If you do not already have MFC30.DLL, you would not accomplish anything by using the shared version since the DLL file itself is about 300kb in size. If you want the "Shared" version of CCM, send me an E-Mail message and I will send you the "Shared" version back as a binary attachment. Other than the reduction in file size, there are no other advantages to using the smaller version (there are no disadvantages either), so the choice is yours. NOTE: This program was designed for systems running Windows 95 WITH DIAL-UP NETWORKING FULLY INSTALLED. If you have not COMPLETELY installed Dial-up Networking, you will receive a message when the program is started stating that it cannot find SVRAPI.DLL. The section of the HELP file entitled COMMON PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS explains how to resolve this problem. I have included a text file named SURVEY.TXT with this release. If you would like to fill it out, I would certainly appreciate it, however it is completely optional!