I don't use Windows nor any other GUI but I wanted to access the World Wide Web. I found out that one way to do this was by using LYNX which is a WWW browser, You can run LYNX on your own machine. There is a DOS version and a UNIX version . Since I have never done this I can not answer any questions about that. Another way to use LYNX is to telnet to a place that has it and use that gateway to browse the WWW. Now, you won't be able to see graphics but you should be able to read ALL the text info. Recently I called YAHOO and I did some searches and then connected via YAHOO to LYCOS and did more searches. I searched on three names: Normandeau (me) Frazier (my wife Rita Frazier Normandeau) and Franco (the New York City Housing Authority Chairperson) and got HITS on ALL THREE, not just for people with similar names but the actual people that I was looking for. Below is my Procomm Plus script that I use to log on to NOAA which has a LYNX gateway. You can use the script below or just manually do what is indicated. ; ; PROCOMM PLUS generated ASPECT script file - Editing may be required. ; proc main pause 1 transmit "telnet esdim.noaa.gov^M" waitfor "login: " pause 1 transmit "lynx^M" waitfor "TERM = (ansi) " pause 1 transmit "vt220^M" endproc Following is a log of what took place when I last did this February 1, 1996. The items that I typed (actually I used a script or a macro) are underscored with "^^^^". -> ->NEWSWIRE (5) Conference Joined ->View other Conference members (Enter)=no? -> ->Scanning for new bulletins... -> ->Press (Enter) to continue? L/Msg. Read: 11,230 ->High Msg. #: 11,230 ->Active Msgs: 105 -> ->NEWSWIRE (5) Conference Command? telnet esdim.noaa.gov ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ->Send `---' after three second pause to abort client connection ->MurkWorks, Inc. BBSNet(tm) Licensed To: The Invention Factory, Inc. -> -> ->SunOS UNIX (esdim1) ->Û ->Ûlogin: lynx ^^^^^ ->Last login: Thu Feb 1 17:00:59 ->SunOS Release 4.1.3_U1 (ESDIM1) #6: Wed Dec 6 10:47:47 EST 1995 -> -> -> -> This is a U.S. Government Computer System. -> Authorized Users ONLY -> -> Use of this system without authorization or for purposes for which -> authorization has not been extended is a violation of federal law -> and can be punished with fines and/or imprisonment (Public Law 99-474) -> -> ******** ***************** ******** -> -> -> ->-------------------------------------------------------------- ->Backups are now done every Friday evening. ->-------------------------------------------------------------- ->You have new mail. ->TERMINAL TYPE "ANSI" NOT RECOGNIZED BY THIS SYTEM. Please type in ->another terminal emulation type after the "TERM = ...." prompt ->that does not include hyphens. -> ->For example, use "vt220" instead of "dec-vt220". You will ->continue to see the "TERM = ..." prompt until you type in a ->terminal type that this system recognizes. -> ->TERM = (ansi) vt220 ^^^^^^ -> ->Press to continue. I did a couple of 's here ^^^^^^^ -> ->Getting http://www.esdim.noaa.gov/lynx.html ->ÛLook up . ->ÛMaking HTTP connection to ->ÛSending HTTP request. ->Û uest sent; waiting for response. ->ÛRead 115 bytes of data.484 ->ÛData transfer complete ->List of Home Pages Accessible through Lynx Account -> -> [1]NOAA Home Page -> [2]NOAA Environmental Information Services Home Page -> [3]NOAA Data Set Catalog -> [4]National Environmental Data Index (NEDI) Home Page -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->http://www.noaa.gov/ I then tyoe the letter "G" for goto a WWW page ^ ->URL to open: http://www.buzznyc.com ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> ->ÛGetting http://www.buzznyc.com/ ->ÛLook up ->ÛMaking HTTP connection ->ÛSending HTTP request ->Ûrequest sent; waiting for response. ->ÛRead 176 bytes of data.512 of 1465 ->ÛData transfer complete Backstage @ Buzz (p1 of 2) ->Û ->Û [1] Buzz Communications [see below for navigation tools] 2]Casting ->ÛNotices: Post and read casting notices for theatre, film ->Û and television productions around the United States ->ÛTalent Directory: Headshots and resumes of New York actors and ->Û actresses, sorted by union, age range and race... or just look at ->Û everybody ->Û [4]The Green Room: Leave a message about a show you're in, ask for ->Û advice, or share your knowledge with the world on our free bulletin ->Û board ->Û [5]Professional Resources: Find a photographer, career coach, acting ->Û classes, answering service... anything you need to further your career ->Û [6]The Buzz: Take our fun and fast survey, contact Buzz ->Û Communications, find out how to post your headshot/resume online, and ->Û more -> ->_________________________________________________________________© 1995 ->[7]Buzz Communications, LLC; 141 Fifth Avenue - Fifth Floor, -> If the gateway is busy, just try another time. Now here are some Web sites to try out. I also left it some GOPHER sites that I have liked. If there is a question mark after the description I have not tried it out yet. Art gopher gopher.tmn.com ASH http://ash.org/ash/ Buzz Headshots http://www.buzznyc.com CBS-TV http://www.cbs.com Congress gopher GOPHER.HOUSE.GOV Congress w/scheds http://www.house.gov Court TV LAWYER CHECK http://www.courttv.com DejaNews NG searches http://www.dejanews.com/ Dyslexia?? http://www.ld.ucsf.edu/ FBI computer crime http://www.fbi.gov/compcrim.htm Film Release Dates http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Eric_Carter Find people by name http://www.altavista.digital.com Free News Group Access?? gopher gopher.msu.edu:3441/1 Gallery Guide SOON?? http://www.gallery-guide.com Gordon Elliot Exposed!! http://kamikaze.org/gordon.html Hayes?? telnet://hayes.com Hayes?? ftp://hayes.com/pub Hayes?? http://www.hayes.com Interracial Voice http://www.webcom.com/~intvoice/ JIM COSTON casting News?? http://members.aol.com/JCOSTON/JCOSTON.HTM JOYCE WANKABLE webzine http://www.rbdc.com/~hgambill/joyce.htm Kenneth Greenberg GOOD http://www.licweb.com Late Show News Web Site http://www.mcs.net/~barnhart/ Links to 18 movie studios http://www-lib.usc.edu/~hayessr/Movie.html M.O.V.I.E. http://www.moviefund.com MacNeil/Lehrer Online News http://www.pbs.org Movie DB TWO locations http://rte66.com/Movies/welcome.html Movie DB TWO locations http://www.msstate.edu/Movies/welcome.html NBC 'Late Night' http://www.nbc.com/entertainment/shows/conan/index.html New York Indie film http://www.panix.com/jviii/jv3film.html NYC City Reference http://www.panix.com/clay/nyc/ NYC official WWW page http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us NYC Public Advocate gopher gopher.pubadvocate.nyc.gov 6625 NYS Government http://www.state.ny.us Pete & Pete, Ray and Rita work on this show http://www.cs.indiana.edu/entertainment/pete-and-pete/ phones number lookups http://homepages.enterprise.net/rh/tel/ Picture Scanning http://www.fwi.com/sfi/scan Ray Web Page http://www.buzznyc.com/actors/res.normandeau.raymond.html Rita Web Page http://www.buzznyc.com/actors/res.frazier.rita.html SeXpArTy?? http://www.city-net.com/~jers5000/hotsex.html SnappyTom http://www.bway.net/~snappyt Tony Brown http://www.tonybrown.com us at Conan http://www.rbdc.com/~hgambill/conanpic.htm US PO re Chain Letters http://www.usps.gov/depart/inspect/chainlet.htm US Post Office http://www.usps.gov/websites/depart/inspect/chain.htm Village Voice?? http//:www.villagevoice.com WBAI?? http://www.dorsai.org/~wbai/ wNetStation http://www.wnet.org yahoo http://akebono.stanford.edu:80/yahoo/ ZIP Codes http://www.usps.gov Let me know how you make out with the ones that have question marks. Email me at ray.normandeau@factory.com Below is possible info on more LYNX-Telnet gateways and running a WWW browser on your own computer. I have NEVER the things below. If you find you prefer what is below, let me know and I may give it a try also. Email me at ray.normandeau@factory.com THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM the Usenet newsgroup dealing with browsers. Minuet might be worth a try but I don't have the time to play with it. BROWSERS ACCESSIBLE BY TELNET An up-to-date list of these is available on the Web as http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/FAQ/Bootstrap.html and should be regarded as an authoritative list. telnet.w3.org A telnettable browser provided by the W3 coalition. www.njit.edu (or telnet Log in as www. A full-screen browser in New Jersey Institute of Technology. USA. info.funet.fi (or telnet Log in as www. Offers several browsers, including Lynx. MSDOS BROWSERS NOTE: These browsers require that you have SLIP, PPP or other TCP/IP networking on your PC. SLIP or PPP can be accomplished over phone lines. You can do this one of two ways: using a proper SLIP account, which requires the active cooperation of your network provider or educational institution, or using The Internet Adapter or SLiRP, products which simulate SLIP through your dialup Unix shell account. If you only have non-Unix based dialup shell access, or have no PC at home, your best option at this time is to run Lynx on the VMS (or Unix, or...) system you call, or telnet to a browser if you cannot do so. DosLynx DosLynx is an excellent text-based browser for use on DOS systems. You must have a level 1 packet driver, or an emulation thereof, or you will only be able to browse local files; essentially, if your PC has an Ethernet connection, or you have SLIP, you should be able to use it. DosLynx can view GIF images, but not when they are inline images (as of this writing). See the README.HTM file at the DosLynx site for details. You can obtain DosLynx by anonymous FTP from ftp2.cc.ukans.edu in the directory pub/WWW/DosLynx; the URL is ftp://ftp2.cc.ukans.edu/pub/WWW/DosLynx/. Minuet An all-in-one Internet access package for MSDOS. Includes both text-mode and graphics-mode display. Available by anonymous FTP from minuet.micro.umn.edu in the directory pub/minuet/latest/minuarc.exe. THIS ONE IS MORE RECENT THEN THE ONE ON Invention Factory Ray Normandeau See Ray Normandeau, who has appeared as a "nerd" with plaid shirt and thick glasses on: Nickelodeon's "Adventures of Pete and Pete" as well as on "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" at http://www.rbdc.com/~hgambill/conanpic.htm "JOYCE WANKABLE's favorite moments from recent broadcasts of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien." ... Another clip featured "a.f.cob" newsgroup reader [36]Ray Normandeau playing one of the guests on "ANDI." ..." For FTP fans, download: ftp://joeshaw.bevc.blacksburg.va.us/pub/conan/ images/raynorm.JPG which is Ray as he appeared on Andi's Talk Show ftp://joeshaw.bevc.blacksburg.va.us/pub/conan/ images/lineup.JPG which is Rita Frazier Normandeau as she appeared with Robin Leech Ray Normandeau and Rita Frazier Normandeau, E-mail ray.normandeau@factory.com and CompuServe ID 73770,121 our picture and resumes are at: http://www.buzznyc.com/actors/res.frazier.rita.html http://www.buzznyc.com/actors/res.normandeau.raymond.html Buzznyc.com has many actors and actresses at their site plus casting notices and other resources.