NewsWerthy Offline Mail Reader ------------------------------ This is the README.TXT file for version 2.02 of NewsWerthy. NewsWerthy is a DOS based offline mail reader for the SOUP format. It is copyrighted and it is shareware. There is a registration fee of $25 for use of NewsWerthy after the 30 day evaluation period. See the file NWERTHY.RDR for details. You are encouraged to make copies and distribute NewsWerthy, as long all files (as listed) are included in the archive. The lastest version can always be found using ftp at: in the /u/b/billw directory. You should have the following 12 files in the archive: NWERTHY.RDR (Registration Form) NWERTHY.EXE (The executable) NWERTHY.H16 (Online help for NewsWerthy) README.TXT (This file) NWERTHY.MAN (NewsWerthy Manual) FILE_ID.DIZ (Short discription of NewsWerthy for BBS's) PGPSHELL.BAT (shell for use with pgs.exe) SOUP (Unix script file to get mail and news) RFC1036.TXT (Detailed description of usenet message) SOUP12.DOC (Detailed description of SOUP format) WHATS.NEW (History of NewsWerthy releases) YARNTONW.EXE (Converts Yarn's address book to NewsWerthy's) WHATS NEW: 11/18/95 (version 2.02) * Fixed bugs with the new screen saver, and with the save to folder of read messages in data-base. 11/11/95 (Version 2.01) * Fixed all the bugs found in the 2.00 beta. * Added printing short header for message (prints only the Date, From, and Subject from the message header). * Added an option to delete the messages in a newsgroup, but leave the newsgroup in place. * Changed the dialogs so that the Cancel button always appears last. * Added hook to run a screen saver. See the Directories and Utilities Setup menu item, and the directions in the manual. * A global Kill lists can be used in addition to the per newsgroup kill list for data-basing mode. * Added dialog in the News Incoming menu to allow expiring messages from the data-base. 10/22/95 (Beta Version 2.00) * Added Data-basing of messages, with four different expiration options for old messages possible. Order of newsgroups can be changed in data-base using Shift-arrow. * Kill lists for each newsgroup, instead of for all newsgroups if using Data-basing mode. * Longer Aliases in the address book. * Use Space Bar to show only unread messages. * Dos Shell anywhere with Ctrl-S (yes anywhere). * The To or Newsgroup line can now be searched in messages without a From line (useful for searching saved replies). * Can now create a Newsgroup message (Send News) without a packet. * Can use Reply option in Reply packet to edit reply message, so that Address book, etc. is available for making changes. * Added an Extra Header line to Reply dialog. * Added multiple setups by allowing the name of the setup file to be used on the command line, ie "NWERTHY SETUP2.CFG". * Added double clicking on message to go to next unread message. Right clicking was fixed to be the same as Esc key. * I now include a YARNTONW.EXE utility, for converting Yarn's address book to NewsWerthy's address book. TO INSTALL: To use NewsWerthy, first make a directory named NWERTHY, then copy NWERTHY.* to it. You'll also need a subdirectory named FOLDERS (for saved messages). Make sure pkzip and pkunzip are on your path. Make sure you have set the TEMP or TMP environment variable (enter set, at a DOS promt to check). If not add a "SET TEMP=C:\TEMP" to your autoexec.bat file and create the TEMP directory. TO UPGRADE: * For those who are upgrading from a version prior to 1.60: Turn on the Word wrap feature in the Message Options dialog under the Setup menu. The NWERTHY.BKM file is no longer used, and may be deleted from the work directory. Ignore the error message about not being able to remove 0000000.BKM file, the first time NewsWerthy is run. * For those who are upgrading from a version prior to 1.70: Make sure that your email address is entered in the Reply-To picklist and add any mailing lists to the address book. This is used in separating out your personal mail from mailing lists. * For all upgrades: Turn on the "Expire All Messages" option, if you want to keep using NewsWerthy as a "Packet" reader. Otherwise read the manual about how to use the Data-basing Options. Additional information about Data-basing Options is found in the section on "Reading the Data-base with the Number Keypad". * For those who were using Yarn: To convert Yarn's address book, to NewsWerthy's address book. Run the YARNTONW.EXE file like so: YARNTONW ADDRBOOK This will create a file named NWERTHY.PL9. Put this in the work directory you've got listed in the Setup menu. To convert your folders, run the SENDFOLD utility included with YUTIL02.ZIP in the dos/offline directory on SimTel. Then open the SOUP packet this creates in NewsWerthy, and save the messages to the correct folders. GETTING STARTED: If you haven't used UQWK with the SOUP format before, read section III of the manual. Read NWERTHY.DOC for information on on how to run and setup NewsWerthy or just wing it along with a little help from the online help. To contact the author send email to (Eskimo North BBS).