OS/2 Directory Edition #96-02-03

[FTP SITES] [Gopher Holes]
[Hardware Vendors] [IBM SITES]
[Info and Tips] [News Groups]
[Personal Pages] [Software Sites]
[User's Groups] [E-MAIL Raj]

© 1994-1996 Rajesh Kumar Singh

All Rights Reserved. This work, or any parts thereof, may not be reproduced or redistributed in any form without permission, with the exception that The OS/2 Directory can be freely distributed in electronic form for noncomercial use, as long as it remains unaltered. All trademarks, registered trademarks, and copyrights belong to whomever owns them.


I shall be in no way responsible for the content or validity of these links. The reader/user assumes all responsibility, liability and risk for any damages, incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of information provided in this document. No warranty is expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.

Welcome to the Distribution version of the OS/2 Directory. This is a task that I have been keeping since April 1994. This mapping of the World Wide Web resources is complemented by efforts by Vicci Conway, and by people at OS/2 WEB and Team OS/2 Online. This list is free for distribution, but is copyright material. Much time has gone into this resource list, and it is intended for OS/2 Awareness. Please email any additions or corrections to Raj Singh
For a complete list of up to date organized links, check out the OS/2 Directory.