WWW, Webchat

Alamak's WWW Chat and IRC Gateway
Banana Chat
Channels -- Internet Forums and Group Chat
Columbus Chat Server
Columbus Chat WWW Chat Server: Available Forums
Communication on IRC Information Index: Main Index Page
DeadelviS' IRC Archive - Aloha!
Digital GlobalChat Services
Discovery Channel Live Thursday Chat
Ensor's IRC Extravaganza
Hacking IRC - The Definitive Guide
Index of IRC nets
IRC Aholics Anonymous
IRC Bots and Info
IRC Channels
IRC Frequently Asked Questions
IRC Page
IRC Related Documents
IRC Servers List
IRC Web page
Internet Chat Guide (tm) Chat Schedule
InterNet Relay Chat
Internet Roundtable Society Webchat
Jacob's, Stephen IRC Page
mIRC Frequently Asked Questions about mIRC.
Nintendo Chat Icons
Snowcrash Cyberchat
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - Online SportsBar!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - BackPackChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - BaseballChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - BikeChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - ClimbingChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - FootballChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - GolfChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - HockeyChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - HoopsChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - NASCARChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - OlympicsChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - RunChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - ScubaChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - SoccerChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - SnowSkiChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - SwimChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - TennisChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - TriChat!
SportsChat! - Interactive Chat System - WaterSkiChat!
Surfing Squirrel Productions
Tulsa Chat
Vassar Computer Science Dept. with Vassar Moo Link
VPRO Chat Dutch Spoken
Webchat Assistant Main
What is IRC?
Yahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:Chatting
Yahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:Chatting:IRC
Yahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:Chatting:IRC:Channels
Yahoo - Computers and Internet:Internet:Chatting:IRC:Undernet
Zircon X11 IRC Client

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