Why You Should Join the Electronic Frontier Foundation ====================================================== Updated: Jan. 4, 1996 The Electronic Frontier Foundation 1550 Bryant Street, Suite 725 San Francisco CA 94103 USA +1 415 436 9333 (voice) +1 415 436 9993 (fax) membership@eff.org Every day decisions are being made that will affect your life online - decisions about what sorts of technology you can use to protect the privacy of your communications; decisions about what services you will be able to get over the emerging global information infrastructure; *decisions that are made before you even know that there are choices.* The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been working since July 1990 to ensure that the civil liberties guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are applied to new communications technologies. Our members join EFF to make sure that they are informed about the issues and debates that will shape the future of electronic communications. EFF members enjoy the following benefits: * subscription to our frequent electronic newsletter and action bulletin, _EFFector_Online_; * online bulletins that will keep you informed about the key legal, legislative and social developments affecting your online communications; * an online response mechanism to make themselves heard on key issues. * EFF's legal hotline, which, in the event that your civil liberties are violated, can help you find legal information and assistance. EFF is a respected voice for the rights of users of online technologies. We feel that the best way to protect your online liberties is to be fully informed and to make your opinions heard. EFF members are informed, and are making a difference. Join EFF today! More information about the details of the form and commonly asked questions follow the form itself. MEMBERSHIP IN THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION ================================================ Print out in monospaced (non-proportional) font and mail or fax to: Membership Coordinator (membership@eff.org) Electronic Frontier Foundation 1550 Bryant Street, Suite 725 San Francisco CA 94103 USA +1 415 436 9333 (voice) +1 415 436 9993 (fax) Or upload to our Internet ftp site: ftp.eff.org, /incoming (when uploading, please name the file uniquely, e.g. jane_smith.form.) Feel free to delete portions of the form you won't use before printing to reduce form length, and add more address lines if needed. ------- MEMBERSHIP FORM -------- cut here --------------- I wish to join the Electronic Frontier Foundation at the following annual tax-deductible membership rate: ___ Fellow $500 ___ Benefactor $250 ___ Pioneer $100 ___ Advocate $65 ___ Supporter $40 ___ Student/Low-income $20 ___ SysOp/Recruiter $10 (see sysop sub-form below). I am ___ a new member / ___ renewing: member number__________. I wish to make an additional tax-deductible donation in the amount of $__________ to further support the activities of EFF. I would like ___ EFF t-shirts at $10 each. (XL only) ___ I'm renewing at a higher rate and would like a free shirt. PAYMENT METHOD: ___ Check or money order payable to Electronic Frontier Foundation. ___ MC ___ Visa ___ AmEx Card Number: ______________________ Expiration Date: ____________ Signature:_______________________ Name: _________________________ Organization: _____________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ E-mail address: ___________________________________________________ ___ I would like to receive EFFector Online, EFF's newsletter ___ EFF may distribute my name & contact info, only to organ- izations sharing similar goals. (See privacy policy below.) ___ I am interested in local "Electronic Frontier" activism. ___ I am interested in volunteering/interning with EFF. I got this form from Member #1045. ------ end of form --------- cut here --------------- The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a U.S. nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization supported by contributions from individual members, corporations and private foundations. Memberships and donations are tax-deductible. Merchandise (e.g. t-shirt) orders are not tax-deductible. EFF's tax exemption number is 04-3091431. EFF is a nonpartisan equal opportunity membership organization. Membership will never be denied to anyone because of race, color, religion, national origin, political affiliation, etc. (In fact, EFF has never denied membership to anyone for any reason.) * PRIVACY POLICY: EFF occasionally shares our mailing list with other organizations promoting similar goals. However, we respect an individual's right to privacy and will not distribute your info without your explicit permission. Under no circum- stances will your information be sold, rented or given to advertising companies, nor revealed to government agencies. NOTES about local activism and volunteers: EFF will begin compiling a (private) list of people interested in local "Electronic Frontier" organizing and activism, to better help local groups get started. Initially we'll just collect names and email addresses, and later put people in the same area in touch with eachother when there are enough people to get the ball rolling. EFF also from time to time seeks volunteers and interns, on both a local in-person basis, and a virtual over-the-Net basis. If you are an attorney interested in doing local pro bono legal work in support of civil liberties online, please contact EFF staff counsel Shari Steele (ssteele@eff.org), who maintains a (private) list of attorneys to refer people to. NOTES about credit cards: EFF does NOT recommend sending credit card info via email, unless it is encrypted. See our PGP encryption key, below. When submitting credit card info via email, please PGP-sign your membership form in lieu of a regular signature. RIPEM, RSA, or other cryptographic signatures are also acceptable, but PGP is preferred. If you do not have access to PGP, aren't inclined to encrypt your form, etc., please fax your membership form or send it via postal mail. NOTES regarding Student membership: This works on the honor system - we do not request copies of school paperwork or the like. This membership price range is also open to those under the poverty line. NOTES about EFF t-shirts: This is the classic EFF shirt, printed front (EFF logo) and back (large artwork) in two colors on white cotton shirts. Available for $10 to new and non-members; members who renew at a higher rate above Supporter membership (e.g. "upgrade" from Supporter to Advocate, or from Student to Pioneer) receive a free shirt if requested! NOTES regarding SysOp/Recruiter membership: System Operator & Recruiter members are required to bring in 10 or more new members to renew at the "SysOp/Recruiter" membership rate (otherwise "Supporter" rates apply). Send queries to membership@eff.org for more info. NOTE: CIS, AOL, etc. forum sysops and co-sysops ARE eligible for SysOp membership, as are system administrators at Internet access providers, and the moderators of echomail conferences, mailing lists, and Usenet newsgroups. Print publishers, librarians, and any others who wish to recruit are also eligible for this membership category. * IMPORTANT: SysOp/Recruiter members should include the mini-form below with their membership applications. Recruitment is usually fulfilled by distributing EFF membership forms via the SysOp/Recruiter member's system (or forum, or publication, or place of business, as applicable.) Business persons who are not interested in active recruitment but are interested in supporting the Foundation with monetary or in-kind donations should contact EFF directly (membership@eff.org via email). EFF has a program whereby, for your special donations, you may be listed as a supporting online business (or library, or individual, etc.) on our World Wide Web site, with a link to your own site. This is great recognition for you, and your donations help us protect your civil liberties in new media! For more information, contact membership@eff.org. Frequently asked question: "How come I don't get monthly full-color glossy newsletters, and mouse-pads and posters and widgets when I join?" EFF devotes all funding to our work (and overhead, of course). We do not feel it is right to spend your donations on gimmicks. From time to time, we do produce bumperstickers and such as part of our educational mission, and if and when a company donates some useful product or service for EFF members (e.g. t-shirts, discount coupons, etc.), we will be happy to include such things as part of the membership benefits, provided they are appropriate, and do not add appreciably to overhead. At EFF your money goes to WORK, not to waste. Frequently asked question: "How come, as an EFF member, I don't vote on what EFF is doing, who the board members are, etc.?" EFF was incorporated as a different sort of non-profit. The organization is not a populist group such as a trade association. We have a set and certain mission, and EFF members are those who support our mission and want to see it succeed. Your membership dues are actually a donation in support of the organization's goals, not a payment for representation of changing agendas. EFF cares very much what our members think and feel, and we always welcome your feedback, positive or negative. EFF also supports the creation of independent local "Electronic Frontier" organizations, in lieu of rigidly-controlled chapters. If you are interested in starting such an organization, please contact EFF online activist Stanton McCandlish (mech@eff.org). **** SYSOP MEMBERSHIP SECTION *********************************** * * * Please include this section with your membership application, * * if joining as a SysOp/Recruiter member. Delete parts that * * don't apply, if you wish. * * * * Data Ph.: _________________ Speed/Protocol: _______________ * * (duplicate above line for multiple nodes if you wish.) * * Other access means: _________________________________________ * * (e.g. for Internet service, AOL forum, etc.) * * BBS Info: BBS/Service/Name: ________________________________ * * SysOp(s)/Proprietor(s)____________________________ * * Network Address(es): _____________________________ * * BBS Notes (OS, modem types/speeds, Internet connectivity, * * access requirements, hours, fees, software, focus or special * * interests, unique features, etc. Or, publication/business/ * * library info): * * ____________________________________________________________ * * (duplicate above line to add more info as needed). * * * * ____ Include my BBS/service in the EFF Member Service List. * * * ***************************************************************** INTERNET CONTACT ADDRESSES ========================== Introductory EFF info: info@eff.org EFF's Guide to the Internet: netguide@eff.org Membership & donations: membership@eff.org Legal services: ssteele@eff.org Hardcopy publications: pubs@eff.org Technical questions/problems, access to mailing lists: eff@eff.org General EFF, legal, policy or online resources queries: ask@eff.org Latest issue of _EFFector_ (EFF newsletter): effector-reflector@eff.org EFF PGP PUBLIC KEY FOR ENCRYPTION ================================= This is the ASCII-armored PGP 2.62us public key for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). It is compatible with PGP vers. 2.2 - 2.7. PGP is an ecryption (data security encoding) program, available for DOS, OS/2, Unix, Macintosh and several other platforms. PGP is the de facto Internet standard for encryption, and is available from many BBSs, FTP sites, and other online services. (If you have trouble locating PGP, see ftp.eff.org, /pub/Net_info/Tools/Crypto/README.Dist). Note that mail sent with this key will be considered addressed to EFF in general, not to a specific person, unless otherwise noted in plaintext. To send encrypted personal mail to someone at EFF, for whatever reason, please use that person's own key, or arrange some other method of communication. This key is provided principally for the sending of sensitive legal information, and the transmission of credit card numbers over the Net securely when becoming a member of EFF. It takes us time and effort to decrypt, so please don't use this key trivially. If sending something other than a membership form, please begin your "Subject:" line with "URGENT -" (unless it's non-urgent of course). Thank you. Please expect a delay, as the message will have to be transferred to another system for decryption (we do not keep PGP or our secret keys on our Internet systems for security reasons.) To add this key to your PGP key ring, save the key as a text file called pgpkey.eff, then use the following DOS or Unix commandline (several RISK architectures may also use this commandline), in your PGP directory: pgp -ka pgpkey.eff pubring.pgp If your public key ring has another name, use that instead of "pubring.pgp". You may need to specify a full path to PGP, or otherwise modify the above command. If you have trouble, please refer to the PGP documentation and/or ask your local system administrators for help. For MacPGP, pick "Add Key" from the "Key" menu, select pgpkey.eff as the file to get the key from, and pubring.pgp (or whatever your public keyring is named) as the file to add the key to. To encrypt a message, please see the PGP documentation, and remember that you will almost certainly need to generate the result as an ASCII-armored file, so you can email it (non-ASCII-armored PGP ciphertexts are binary, and will get mangled if you try to email them.) *** NOTE! PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS *INSIDE* THE ENCRYPTED MESSAGE any time you send us crypto-mail. Please also include it in plain text just before the beginning of the encrypted text. Otherwise, we may not be able to reply, if the original email headers are lost and/or we encounter difficulties decrypting your message. The key itself: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6 mQCPAy7QlNwAAAEEAKMNCpEGP2868gPmT+5ILWveARJEFRQius+CP8hHG331YAyw beLmllnFUNLEKBKSlX9gyNL7/KKZXCaK1hbfaB7jC0f6KyK68dOeMR1jkpw73NqC i6/U9RqMBDGzzMz5dnDoqz9s5f33xrYZC+qwTKmGyh0mcFaCzJ21/+6ZWS/tABEB AAG0LEVsZWN0cm9uaWMgRnJvbnRpZXIgRm91bmRhdGlvbiA8ZWZmQGVmZi5vcmc+ iQCVAwUQLtCVljZAgYw09MRxAQHRLwP8CrE03giPMN0JVMR7aRxmn/XF9sQp9GtJ mOZFxyvZnkyvW1hM2oMxRVmShWlewg0uphUsB2ayiACYgUhIK36mr7bDpSTqGR7r J+VT+tVz802Q4GgdXUaVKnFb4bbZ9+xREXblDv5GgAjtqq9cdxxan+KeoqIEQlw9 iIKOzYGfAF+JAJMDBRAu0JVmnbX/7plZL+0BAQzQA/DyX64lOrLNvn0xDSFfMGVg EueZjn1pGm0CBUGctzAHjRlrAeUUReh0JJTOaVcm6lnPZHgmZjFzzmeQbfpHd+6k OkV2Yx1fouDJR8ewOMVE+VauC9Xe1YA4/VkAxVjRmlNUs+nyDNaqVwhdkOgalQGO 57UtUMy9mrFLNJW/eLW0JUVGRiA8ZWZmQHdlbGwuY29tLCBlZmZAd2VsbC5zZi5j YS51cz60HkVGRiA8NzY3MTEuMzE3QGNvbXB1c2VydmUuY29tPrQYRUZGIDwxOjEw OS8xMTA4QEZpZG9OZXQ+tBlFRkYgPDE5OjEyMDIvMTAxQFdpc2hOZXQ+tBlFRkYg PDM2OToxMDExLzJASW5kcmFOZXQ+tBhFRkYgPDE4MToxOTMvMUBTdG9ybU5ldD60 IERpc2NhcmQgb2xkZXIga2V5IC0gaXQncyByZXZva2Vk =2A8+ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- [Final note: beware line wrapping - key will not work if mangled!] ---end---