Installation Instructions for Conversion Pro For OS/2 version 1.0 (2/9/96 Shareware version 1.0 for OS/2 Warp) DESCRIPTION: Conversion Pro for OS/2 is a 32-bit presentation manager application which enables the user to perform over 1800 'on-the-fly' scientific and engineering unit conversions. The application also includes a button calculator and a temperature conversion utility which can convert temperature data in either fahrenheit, centigrade (sometimes referred as Celsius) or Kelvin. Requirements: NEEDS: PC running IBM OS/2 3.X (WARP) operating system or higher. An UnZIPing Program 1 Mb disk storage space 4 Mb RAM VROBJ.DLL (run time library) INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: 1. Create a directory on a hard disk drive such as 'ConPro_1' 2. Copy the following files from the distribution disk to the newly created directory: cpwarp_1.exe - Connversion Pro for OS/2 executable cpwarp_1.ico - Application icon cpos2dat.dat - factors data file cpos2ind.dat - unit names data file readme.txt - Information file (the one you are now reading) cporder.txt - Information for purchasing Conversion Pro. 3. If you haven't already got one, acquire a copy of the file vrobj.dll with a date no earlier than 6/6/95 (Patch level "C" from Watcom). This file, which is a run-time library, needs to be copied to any directory in your OS/2 LIBPATH such as X:\OS2\DLL or X:\OS2\APPS\DLL where X: is the drive letter where the OS/2 operating system files reside. NOTE: This step must be accomplished or the application will not run. If you are uncertain what directories are included in the LIBPATH, the LIBPATH is defined in the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file. 4. Open the folder you created to hold the program files and click on the application object (executable) to start the Conversion Pro application. You may also create a shadow of the application object and place it in an alternate location (such as the desktop). 5. The program opens with a information screen while the application loads the data files. As the files are extensive, this may take some time on systems with slower CPUs. When the files are loaded, the "OK" button will be enabled and the application may be used when this button is pushed. USER NOTES: Simply click on a conversion in the list box and the result will be immediately displayed. Typing the beginning letters of any unit will scroll the list to that area. For example, typing "r" will move you through the list to the first unit which begins with an "r" which happens to be radians. At the bottom of the form there is a text entry field where you perform on-the-fly conversions using whatever factor is currently selected. Temperatures can be converted on the fly by typing a value in the entry box and selecting the appropiate units for the input and output. Conversion Pro can be modified by the user. One reason might be that you have special conversions that aren't included, or you really don't care to have all the conversions provided and want to speed up the loading by cutting back on the list. You are able to edit the data files by using a simple text editor. Hint: use an editor like EPM so you tell what number line you are on when you delete conversions. Open up both data files, delete the corresponding line from EACH file. If you add a conversion, the units and the factor must appear on the same line in each file. You can follow the structure of the other units for proper format must appear on the Note that you really can't add to many more than the 1800 or so provided. This is because a listbox can only take so many entries before it gets hosed by its own data. Don't change the name of either data file. Future editions will have a OS/2 help file, and I am also considering adding some reference material. Also in the works is making conversion more button oriented. While keeping the combo list as the main output, unit types will grouped under a button. For example, distance would include such units as meters, feet, inches, yards, leagues, light years, etc. ORDERING: Please help support independent development by paying for this software if you find it useful. The current fee is $10.00 (US funds). Further information regarding purchasing either Conversion Pro for OS/2 or Winbloze is contained in the cporder.txt file. Conversion Pro was coded by: J.F. Kaminsky, NW Environmental Geoscience Co. 2522 North Proctor Street, Suite 135 Tacoma, WA 98406 (206)761-1636 e-mail: Thank you for your support. The Conversion Pro application and icon (cpwarp_1.ico) utilizes artwork that is freely distributed by Mike Cowlishaw, IBM UK Laboratories, as part of the PMGlobe program and is licensed and copyrighted (c) by IBM Corporation, 1991, 1993. All rights reserved. (c) Copyright 1995, 1996. J.F. Kaminsky. All rights reserved.