6/11/1995 "Bezier Draw" from Component Paradise http://acsusun.acsu.unsw.edu.au/~s9200168 The "Bezier Draw" is a sample Delphi program to demonstrate the use of "Bezier" unit. IMPORTANT You can use this code as is and you are free to copy/distribute provided that this "readme.txt" is not modified and included in the distrubution pack. Source code for the Bezier is NOT available but you could register for Bezier.DCU ($25). I'll be more than happy to hear from you for your comments, applications etc. Due to enermous email traffic I have, please send your comments to "Ali@CCLRU.UNSW.EDU.AU" with subject field starting with the words 'Component Paradise'. Example: To : Ali@CCLRU.UNSW.EDU.AU Subject : Component Paradise ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This help me to filter your comments. All the best... Ali H. GOKTOGAN -------------------------------------------------------------- "Bilgi paylasildiginda degerlidir.." "Knowledge has a value when you share it with others." A Turkish proverb "You never lose when you give... You never lose when you share..." A Turkish proverb -------------------------------------------------------------- This Bezier drawing demo program use BezierCurve function from Bezier unit. Function definition as follows; function BezierCurve(const ControlPoints : array of RPoint2D; const NumberOfControlPoints : integer; const NumberOfCurvePoints : integer; var CurvePoints : array of RPoint2D) : Boolean; where RPoint2D = record x, y : real; X and Y Coordinates end; function returns FALSE either if o Number of control points < 3 o Number of control points > 30