TSTDateRange component for DELPHI. (Version 1.1) TSTDateRange is a combo box component which lets your select a date range out of a list. The list includes the following options (spanish and german also provided): Today Yesterday This Week This Month Last Month This Year Last Year Range When you select one item in the list, the component calculates the from and to dates based on your selection. Range means basically the user will decide the dates. You then have run-time access to two properties: FromDate ToDate This two properties will contain the edges of your range. This component will be installed to a new component tab: SyTech. Key Properties : Most properties are the same as for the TComboBox component except: Language: Boolean Field, Values set of (dlEnglish, dlSpanish, dlGerman). Default value: dlEnglish. You can select the languages you want to have the list display in. Items: It is not available as a user property. Events, Methods and Tasks are the same as TComboBox. Files include: daterang.dcu -- binary component file. daterang.dcr -- icon for TSTDateRange component. sample.zip -- a small sample project. readme.txt -- this file. Notes: This component is provided as is. Use at own risk [we have been! ;-)] Comments: Mauricio Korbman SyTech INTERNET:71702.367@compuserve.com COMPUSERVE: 71702,367