DLGHLP: Implements Context-Sensitive Help in a Dialog Box The DLGHLP32 sample application illustrates how to implement context-sensitive Help in a Microsoft(R) Foundation Class Library (MFC) dialog box. MFC 4.0 provides support for handling the WM_HELP and WM_CONTEXTMENU message available in Windows 95 and NT 3.51. DLGHLP32 is an updated version of the original 16-bit DLGHELP sample. DLGHLP32 was built with Microsoft Visual C++(TM) version 4.0 and MFC version 4.0, and tested under Microsoft Windows NT(R) version 3.51 and Microsoft Windows 95(R). MFC is a C++ application framework designed for use in developing applications for Microsoft Windows. KEYWORDS: CD11; AfxGetApp; CArchive; CDC; CDialog; CDocument; CDumpContext; CSingleDocTemplate; CView; CWinApp; CWnd; GetDlgCtrlID; GetFocus; MessageBox; WinHelp; WM_HELP; WM_CONTEXTMENU; OnHelpInfo; OnContextMenu