Greetings! Exogenous is a statistical term used to signify points outside the mean. I wrote this program to perform some high-brow statistical analysis on input data, but decided to add a screen saver that would impress anyone watching my computer. If you don't give the program real data, it makes the input data up, and then performs the statistical analysis on the imaginary data. Anyway... anyone who saw it running seemed to be more interested in the screen saver than the statistics package. They thought it would make them look smarter if it were running on their computer. And guess worked! Here you can have the same original package for the low shareware price of $10. Quite a steal...when you figure it can actually improve your perceived IQ. If you use it, and agree to register it, I will make you a SPECIAL DEAL on version 2.0, which is a lot fancier and has special 3D graphics, when it is ready for release. I will also send you the command line code to remove the annoying (sorry) copyright protection. I have also included an icon for use under Windows 95, this program runs fine on Windows 95. If you would like to register this software, which will make you as moral as you are intellegent, just send $10 (check or money - no credit cards please) to: Steve Chastain SKC Software 1988 Heritage Circle Palatine, IL 60074 USA Please adress all inquires to that adress, not the BBS you picked it up from. Please post my shareware program everywhere. Thanks very much, and enjoy being EXOGENOUS!