______________________________ Mixed Bag of MIDI tunes ------------------------------ two HOLIDAY tunes: CARLBELL MID a variation on "Carol of the Bells" HOLLYIVY MID a variation on "Holly & ivy" two rock tunes: ANGEL MID Madonna's: "You must be an angel" WRAPPED MID The Police: "Wrapped around your finger" two classical tunes: IMPRMPTU MID Chopin's: "Fantasie Impromptu" OP6MV1 MID Beethoven's Opus 6, first movement several cRaZy files: MASTERS GIF a neat party pic MIDI GIF where to find more MIDI files NODOS! GIF Bill's: "Just say NO to DOS" POWERPC WAV a very funny sound file All the MIDI tunes were performed by several Berklee College of Music students using Macintoshes with high end synthesizers. The MIDI files were then converted from Macintosh format to IBM format simply by using PC Exchange on a Power Macintosh and drag/dropping the files onto an IBM PC format floppy disk. PC Exchange easily & rapidly converted the files.