DocMan 1.7 Copyright 1995, Michel Forget Electric Storm Software The documentation for this archive is located in DocMan.TXT, which should be located in the same directory as this document. This list of bug fixes and changes made to DocMan is in chronological order; the new information appears at the end of the document. ** IMPORTANT ** -- Before installing DocMan, you must end all tasks that might be using the 3D control library; these tasks include QuickCD, CD Player, and most other tray applications. To end a task, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, select the task to be ended, and click "End Task". October 9, 1995: DocMan 1.6 BUG FIXES: 1. DocMan will now allow you to save a document list to any location you please. The previous version forced the control file (*.sdl) to be written to the same folder that the saved links were stored in. 2. DocMan will now refresh the document list after documents are protected. NEW FEATURES: 1. DocMan now indicates which documents are protected ("[P]") and which documents are unprotected ("[N]") in the document window. 2. DocMan now allows you to restore a document list simply by double-clicking the control (*.sdl) file. To make this feature active, follow these easy steps: 1. Right-Click a saved document list control file (*.sdl) and select "Open With..." from the context menu. 2. Enter "Saved Document List" as the description. 3. Ensure that the "Always use this program to open this file" check-box is checked. 4. Click the "Other..." button, locate DocMan.EXE, and double-click it. 5. Click "OK". The next time you double-click a saved document list control file, it will automatically become the current document list. If you have multiple users on your computer (but no network) you can each place your saved document list control file(s) on the desktop as shortcuts and swap between them instantly. October 31, 1995: DocMan 1.7 BUG FIXES: 1. DocMan will no longer show the incorrect icon in the taskbar. 2. The "AutoRemove" feature (which allows undesirable documents or document classes to be removed from the list automatically) has been revised. The previous version of DocMan would fail to remove certain document classes. It would also fail to remove documents because they were improperly named by the operating system (or an operating system extension). Both of these undesirable situations should now be eliminated. 3. DocMan will now always be able to locate the online manual. Previous versions of DocMan would become confused if the "current" directory changed. 4. All options are once again saved properly. 5. Registered users are now properly recognized (all the time). In certain situations, DocMan would prompt an already registered user for a key. NEW FEATURES: 1. DocMan now has an icon in the system tray (the small rectangle on the right side of the taskbar where the volume control is located) which can be used to call DocMan (left click) or perform general document list management operations (right click). Allowing the mouse pointer to rest above the icon briefly displays the total number of documents in the document list. 2. The setup module has been improved. 3. If you prefer using DocMan as a stand-alone application, rather than as a resident system tray application, you can do so simply by creating a shortcut to DOCMAN.EXE and activating the "show document window immediately" option. 4. There is now an option that allows you to clear the document list on system startup. This option is designed to replace the clumsy manual method provided by earlier versions of DocMan. 5. The online manual has been improved (it has a new look & provides more useful information).